Weighing more than you look



  • pornstarzombie
    People always give me weird looks when I tell them how much I weigh. When I was 165 I had people's mouth dropping open, literally. But I am 6', large frame, so I can carry quite a bit of weight very well. Doesn't mean I want to, however. Sometimes it hurts my feelings a bit when they go,"But you look so good!" because it shouldn't matter if my weight is high, I was a healthy weight range and looked good still.

    Last time I weighed [over 2 weeks ago] I was 152, I still don't look like I weigh that much.

    It can be a curse or a blessing. I used to use the excuse, "But I'm tall, I can eat more and weigh more..."
  • MamaDto7
    I'm right there with you. I too am 5'3" and currently 138 (was 143 just two weeks ago). I am heavily muscled, I guess you would say. BMI puts me at almost being overweight - drives me crazy. I am a size 4 or 6 depending on the style. I carry a lot of muscle in my legs and glutes - hate shopping for pants. So know that you are not alone.

    I am working on shedding a few pounds but only because my jeans were begginning to get a little too snug.
  • BklynMamacita
    BklynMamacita Posts: 77 Member
    I am so glad I found this thread. Was feeling frustrated with the scale. I always gained muscle really easily and have muscular arms and legs when in shape. Most my friends think I have lost 15-20 lbs since I just started really watching my calories on MFP. Hmm try more like 5 which is frustrating because I am working so hard and sticking to my calories. But I remember a few years back the same thing happened. I lost tons of inches and then the weight on the scale came down. Not sure why but that's how it works for me. I have already went down 2 pants sizes and almost everyone around me comments that I have lost tons of weight.

    My clothes also fit so much better and I am wearing smaller sizes. So I won't let is get me down and just chalk it up to what most are saying about some of us are just more muscular. I still need to lose 25-30 more lbs to get to my goal but most people tell me that is too much. But 5'7" at 150 would be a good weight for me. My size 9/10 pants are getting loose for me now too. So I wonder what size I will be when I hit my goal. I was about 145 and skinny and a size 4 or 6 when I ran track in HS and I had some killer legs and abs. LOL
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member

    Found this calculator online...and the body fat percentage vs lean mass it gave was quite interesting... http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/cbbf/

    Interesting - I just did rough measurements based on my last check in here at MFP and a quick measurement of a couple that I don't track. It pegged me at about where I thought it would % wise. Also, it pegged my goal weight pretty close to what I estimate it to be - 165 lbs.

    I find this very encouraging since I, too am 5'3" and my "ideal" weight based on BMI alone has 140 as the high mark. I think I'd look anorexic at that weight. I struggle with ignoring the scale even though, I know I should. It's just too tempting to not jump on it since my whole life it has been about the number on the scale.
  • alweiski
    It is nice to know that I'm not alone with the curse/blessing of holding my weight well. A friend of mine is easily 25 lbs lighter than me but we wear the same size pants. She didn't believe me when I told her how much I weighed...an advantage if your playing the guess your age/weight games at amusement parks. :)
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    I'm glad you posted this because I have the same issue. I'm 5'4 and weighed 158 lbs when I started . Now I weight 154.4 but that took months to lose and keep off and I am still not at my goal. According to BMI charts, I am pretty overweight! I should weight about 135...give or take. However, I have seen other women who are 150 lbs and they look twice my size! It's a blessing but also a curse because I hate that my weight doesn't reflect how I look. Granted, I gained about 20lbs in the last few years and that's why I want to lose it , but it still doesn't help with weight loss because it is confusing. I'm trying to be patient and lose weight slowly.
  • tfoxsail
    That's me....I have always weighed more than I look. I've had doctors tell me everything from bone density to muscle mass (I used to lift a lot while in the military) as reasons for this.
  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    Same! At 6'1" i look about 40-50 lbs lighter than I really am(and im much heavier than you haha) I told a coworker recently of my weight loss goals and how much i weighed..she staired at me in disbelief. Most people i mention my weight too say I don't look that big. I guess if i were a few inches shorter though I may look my size. Im broad shouldered and all abdomin and legs. meh! small blessing? lol
  • Tracylynnhudson
    Tracylynnhudson Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, my dear. You are not alone. I wear between a size 8 and 10 at 5'7" and 170-175 lbs. That is the size I like to be and have never had any complaints in a bikini at that weight..........so...........weight can be important pertaining to psi on your joints; especially being upwardly mobile creatures. However, mass must be accounted for. Take a 3# lean steak out of the meat counter and set it next to 3# of butter and then write back to me re: what you see. I am continually told about the BMI. However, even my doctor asks me to step on another scale from time to time for accuracy. When I went to a weight management group with weekly weigh ins...I was expected to drop to 134 lbs. UNTIL THEY SAW ME AT 165 LBS I have very large bones and am very muscular; although not as before injuring my back. I have added and lost so many pounds since, it's too difficult to count. Hang in there.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Even at 5'4" and 163lbs people thought I weighed about 140. It is nice that now that I weigh about 140 people think I weigh 130 lol
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Same here I am 5 ft 7, weight 157 atm and wear a size 5/6 jean.

    My shoes are an 8-8.5...am I larged framed...no. Parts of me are broad...like my feet, shoulders but my hips are tiny (only reason they measure at 38 inches is my butt) but people peg me at 36 inch hips...and about 130lbs...

    I am good with that.

    Not sure of my BF%...thinking betweeen 23-25% (waiting on an evaluation).
  • itsadogslife
    I'm 5"3 and I weigh 156 lbs.. wouldn't ever guess it though! =) I leg press 300lb!
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Im 5 3 and when I was 144 I was a size two as well, I wasn't firm and wanted to lose 20 but no one was saying I was overweight
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I'm the opposite. 5'3" weighing in this morning at 120.7 but I look heavier.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 180lbs. A lot of people never believe me when I tell them that. But I have D's, and broad shoulders and thick muscular legs, so I assume that's the reason.

    yup- same here

    I have cut down to high 150's- but at the top of my bulk- I was 180. No one really batted an eye- I still fit a size 10/12 dress (pants HAH- I just give up on those) but I'm significantly heavier than people think I am. It's almost comical.
  • 123fizz
    123fizz Posts: 14
    I'm currently 234 pounds, I have lost a stone and a half since Christmas, but seem to have built up a lot of leg muscle due to taking up an hours worth of walking every day. I realize muscle is going to weigh more than the fat, but the slender shape of my legs is noticeable now compared to how they were before. My only concern is if they stay looking this big whilst I lose weight off everywhere else!
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm 5ft 7 and currently 188lb - people are usually surprised when I tell them what I weigh. I think I look slimmer than some of my friends, but they weight a lot less than me. I'd say I have an hourglass shape - so quite even proportions & when I do gain weight - I gain quite evenly over my whole body, rather than in one area. Because of my height & because I stay in proportion - I think I can gain quite a lot of weight before it becomes noticeable.

    On the down side, now that I'm trying to loose weight - I think I will need to loose quite a bit, for me to look visibly different. My mum was quite surprised when I said I had 2-3 stone to loose - that just gets me into a healthy BMI range.
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    I've always had the same issue. I'm just shy of 6 feet tall and my current weight is 150 but I'm wearing sizes 6-8.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm in the same boat. 5'2" and currently bouncing between 137 and 140 with about 29% BF. I'm in a size 6 pants, but they are very comfy. I have broad shoulders and a good amount of lean mass so my body composition supports a higher weight. At my lowest I was 125 with about 20% BF and 4's were loose on me. So I'm probably about 10-15 lbs heavier than I look and I take that as a good thing since the only time my weight will be an issue is if I decide to box competitively and need to be in a specific weight class.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    I for the most part have always been able to carry my weight well! Im 5'9" currently weight 169 and just fit back into my size 8's. I have broad shoulder, big hands and feet. Ive done the skin caliper test but it wasn't accurate because I was doing it myself! My doctor says I look fantastic but I really want to get down to 160 and maybe 155! I wont go lower than that !!

    It does make me feel bad though because when I talk to my men friends they weight about 10 pounds more than me! So it makes me feel fat!

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