Getting older and hopefully more fit!!!

kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
I'm new to MFP but have been dieting and exercising for the past 6 months. Before that, I lived the first 52 years of my life eating whatever I wanted and finding ways to avoid work and exercise. Being faced with people younger than me facing life changing health issues, I got motivated to change. I started eating better on July 5th, joined a local gym in August, and finally decided to really push to eat right and get more daily exercise. I use a FitBit to track my activity all day, as well as RunKeeper (I hope to be able to run a 5K by this time next year!) and a heart monitor for times at the gym. I'm hoping you guys will keep me on the right track and I'll loose the 44 lbs. that stand between me and my target weight of 158 lbs.