Back again

sansey Posts: 113 Member
My story is not unlike others. I know I need lo loose some extra weight. I enjoy mountain bike riding and occasional racing. I played baseball in college but over the years my fitness level has gotten to the point where I am not happy with it plus I have gained a few pounds or 70. So I decided to do something and found this website. It didn't work out so well as after tracking my food and exercise for a few weeks I stopped doing it.

Fast forward a year to October 2011. I started the site again. Again I was tracking food and exercise. However this time I interacted more with others and it went well for a month. I lost some weight and was starting to be happy with where I was in my weight loss goal. However Thanksgiving arrived and I figured one weekend off would be okay. Well 2 and a half month later here I am again.

This time I think I am more motivated. I did not gain it all back so that is a good thing. I have my first Mountain Bike race of the season April 15th. That gives me some time. Since I live in Iowa I have been doing spinning classes for cardio training. 3 sessions a week. Plus my wife and I do Jillian Michaels videos 2 or 3 nights a week. Now if I can get my eating habits under control I can loose the 15 - 20 pounds.

The success stories I have read really motivate me and are utterly amazing. If anyone wants to add me as a friend please do. The more friends in this journey the better. Thanks for listening!!

