WHEN i get there..i'm totally gonna...



  • TahliS
    TahliS Posts: 52
    Clothes, hair and a new tattoo.. and then start saving for a tummy tuck :P

    Or maybe I shuld get the T/T before the tattoo. hmm
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    **another one i'm adding to mine...

    finally feel confident in front of my fiancee. :/ sometimes i do, but usually i don't.
  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Buy new clothes, because I'm going to need them.
    Take a vacation with the hubby. Somewhere warm, where we've never been.
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    Buy new clothes, because I'm going to need them.
    Take a vacation with the hubby. Somewhere warm, where we've never been.

    ♥ love this one :)
  • dncyng
    dncyng Posts: 53 Member
    I am going to buy some new sexy underwear. No More Granny Panties for me! ..OH! and new clothes too. But, UNDIES come first!
  • I am going to buy some new sexy underwear. No More Granny Panties for me! ..OH! and new clothes too. But, UNDIES come first!

    Yup, nice undies are high on my list, too!

    And I'm going to show my horse again. Skin-tight white breeches are not flattering on fat thighs!
  • Look and look and look and look till I find that little black dress I dreamed I was in. The one I was wearing in the dream that I had of myself weighing 120lbs and filming a movie with my all-time favorite actress<3 Then get a whole new wardrobe(:
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    pierce my navel!!! :bigsmile:

    ...although I hate needles; I guess we'll see how it goes.
  • emlevine
    emlevine Posts: 4 Member
    I love this idea :). You always have to have goals! It's new for me to just think about being thinner!
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    Is this bad? I really want to do a boudoir photo shoot. Not something too scandalous for fear that my kids might find it. Just something that I can look at every now and then to remind myself how hard I worked to get there and to keep me on track to staying in shape. I know my hubby would like it too:laugh: ...

    THIS! love this idea
  • bdwier
    bdwier Posts: 13
    I am going to do another pin-up shoot.. just be a little lighter for this one!! Also, after I have maintained for a year I am going to get a tummy tuck :happy:
  • Join a belly dancing class. I think belly dancing is the sexiest type of dancing. When I'm confidant about my body, I'm going to do it!
  • MissDana1105
    MissDana1105 Posts: 40 Member
    Feel awesome in my own skin :) I can't wait for that one. I can't wait to not worry about kids looking at me and thinking I'm huge, my nephew not thinking I'm fat (kids are brutually honest aren't they?) basically not feeling like people only see my size.

    Buy new clothes, stuff that I think is cute and in style, not something because it fits or hides something.

    I am going to do a boudor shoot as well, I know a girl who is an awesome photographer and think I would be more comfortable with her since I know her (as long as she doesn't show her boyfriend who I went to high school with, lol). I actually thought about buying the session now as inspiration to get there but I'm probably not going to, even if I'm on my best behavior I can't be sure where I would be in a year.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Get a new tattoo. I've already had it drawn. And wear shorts in public.
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    When I get there I really want to buy a dress from www.modcloth.com !!! Super cute, very expensive, but totally worth it once the weight is gone!
  • Rock a bathing suit everywhere and wear slutty skirts... Lol sounds bad but im so excited to be skinny
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    I am going to do a boudior photo shoot and make a "sexy book" for my fiance/probably gonna be my husband by then...and finally buy new clothes. Im starting to look pretty nuts wearing all my maternity clothes still, even though they are falling off.
  • I;m gonna wear the clothes i ALREADY own that i wont wear bc they looked too tight, or i didnt feel confident int hem - I'm gonna post more pics on facebook than only 5 or 10 a yr and not be embarassed to wear cute summer dresses
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    A pair of John Fluevog shoes.
  • IrishMinx32
    IrishMinx32 Posts: 77 Member
    Totally love the Tatt Idea!!! My hubby didnt approve either, but it didnt stop me. I can hide them when needed and show them when i'm being feisty!!! LOL :wink: