Home of the whopper

meatball Posts: 46 Member
Man, i love whoppers. Last night, i had some calories in the bank from a huge workout and I was craving something greasy and otherwise poisonous, so I drove over to BK and rocked a whopper w/cheese and a large fries. man was it good. Still under for the day too.


  • meatball
    meatball Posts: 46 Member
    Man, i love whoppers. Last night, i had some calories in the bank from a huge workout and I was craving something greasy and otherwise poisonous, so I drove over to BK and rocked a whopper w/cheese and a large fries. man was it good. Still under for the day too.
  • llmgold11
    llmgold11 Posts: 44 Member
    Goodness what I wouldn't give for a freakin Whopper right now...I'd rather have onion rings then fries, but GOODNESS GRACIOUS!
  • 3boyzmom
    3boyzmom Posts: 18
    yum!!! a whopper would be worth a great workout!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Man, i love whoppers. Last night, i had some calories in the bank from a huge workout and I was craving something greasy and otherwise poisonous, so I drove over to BK and rocked a whopper w/cheese and a large fries. man was it good. Still under for the day too.

    Been there, done that!
    As long as it's an occasional treat, enjoy!!
  • bella33067
    bella33067 Posts: 9 Member
    I think we all deserve something yummy after a great work out! :smile:
  • Violet_Mist
    Yuck. I don't like fast food burgers or fries....but I LOVE onion rings. However, I only let myself get grilled chicken at burger joints.
  • DebbieDuffy31
    yeah I love them too. Specially the tripple whopper with extra mayo and ketchup. But for at least now no fast food for me. Congrats!!
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    I let Burger King be my weekly cheat on Saturdays after I take my girls to gymnastics. YUMMY!! There truly is nothing like a whopper w/cheese!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Super yumm! Congrats for such a great workout! I'd totally do that too if I had enough in the bank!:wink:
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Wow! Congratulations on the great work out and on treating yourself.
    Also - thanks for posting, because I'd completely sworn off fast food as being way to high in calories and fat to even consider for a long, long time. However, I just checked the nutrition info and it's not way near as bad as I thought!
    Might be having one soon ...:devil:
  • meatball
    meatball Posts: 46 Member
    yeah, in if done in moderation it turns out that many things from Mc D's and BK are close enough to the subway crap that it makes it almost not too bad.