Shrinking Feet?



  • AceyFaceX
    Yep, I wear a size less now compared to last year. 50 lbs loss overall.

    Sweet! Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome! (:
  • AceyFaceX
    Not yet, but I wouldn't mind losing some in my feet since my feet spread pretty badly during my second pregnancy (when I gained a lot of my weight) and haven't gone back, so I have a whole collection of cute shoes that I can't wear right now.

    I bet you'll be able to wear them again some day! (:
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    It happened to one of my friends but it hasn't happened to me. I'm okay with this because I have a ton of cute shoes and would hate to have to replace. (It would be frighteningly expensive!) I have noticed that straps have be tightened a bit more, that kinda thing but that's it.
  • AceyFaceX
    I've lost about 60 pounds and I went from a size 8 1/2 wide to a 7 or 7 1/2 and I can get away with wearing normal width shoes! It was amazing. I can wear heels and cute boots (that also fit around my calves... well, some do at least) and more cute shoes than before when my wide feet wouldn't fit in them. I even own some 6 1/2 shoes, it was crazy the drop in shoe size that I had. 6 dress sizes... 1 1/2 shoe sizes! CRAZY!

    Awesome job! That is fantastic! I cannot wait until I lose 60 pounds! Good job! I wish I could wear a 6 1/2 in shoes! lol That's like half of my shoe size almost! (:
  • AceyFaceX
    i never thought my feet were fat (only part of me that wasn't :) ) but over the last two years i've lost 30lbs or so before I started mfp, and I used to wear an 11 and I bought TWO pairs of shoes that were a 9.5 last weekend!!! im almost afraid (im 6ft) that if they get much shorter i'm gonna start falling over :( so yea, i guess they do shrink!!!! Im only 23, i figured they would as I got older but i didnt think 23 was that old, so i figure its the weight loss...who would have thought?? hahaha

    Awesome! I wear a size 11 now! I would LOVE to wear a 9.5! Congrats on the weight loss! That's wonderful! 23 is a great age! lol I'm almost there myself! Goodness, girl! You're tall! I wish I was that tall. I'm about 5' 6" I think. Average height, I guess. haha (:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member

    I'm 5'9.. wore a 10 forever..

    About 80% of my shoes no longer fit me which is a shame because I have some pretty hot shoes.

    I'm now a 9 1/2 and even some 9's fit.
  • lieshas
    although the pounds aren't off yet my feet have already shrunk. i went from a 9.5/10 to a comfy 8/8.5 Plus my feet are as wide as they used to be so it happens before you know it!
  • AceyFaceX
    I have lost about 60 pounds total, and I've gone from a 9 1/2 (or 9W) down to an 8 W. Not a huge difference, but a good difference. I also lost a little height-I was told this was due to losing fat on the bottom of the foot. ?? *shrug*

    That is awesome! I cannot wait until the day that I can say I lost sixty pounds. Congratulations! (: Hmm, that's interesting! I've never heard of that before, but I guess it's definitely possible! I didn't even know my feet could shrink! Sweet action! One more reason for me to get into shape! (:
  • AceyFaceX
    It happened to one of my friends but it hasn't happened to me. I'm okay with this because I have a ton of cute shoes and would hate to have to replace. (It would be frighteningly expensive!) I have noticed that straps have be tightened a bit more, that kinda thing but that's it.

    Maybe you never had weight on your feet to lose? I am a pretty big girl, and I have chunky feet, lol. Oh my goodness I would hate to have to replace all of my shoes! But if I can wear a size smaller, I guess I really wouldn't mind! (:
  • AceyFaceX

    I'm 5'9.. wore a 10 forever..

    About 80% of my shoes no longer fit me which is a shame because I have some pretty hot shoes.

    I'm now a 9 1/2 and even some 9's fit.

    Awww, I wish there was a way to take shoes in and out like clothes! lol That would solve a lot of problems! (:
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Yes - my feet has gone all "skinny". Put on a pair of boots I have not worn since winter (it is summer here at the moment) - normally I wore them with thights - had to put on thick wooly socks as they were way too big....

    I also had to buy a smaller size jandals (flip-flops) for the beach as my old ones was just falling off my feet....
  • AceyFaceX
    although the pounds aren't off yet my feet have already shrunk. i went from a 9.5/10 to a comfy 8/8.5 Plus my feet are as wide as they used to be so it happens before you know it!

    Awesome! That gives me hope! lol Thanks for sharing! (:
  • AceyFaceX
    Yes - my feet has gone all "skinny". Put on a pair of boots I have not worn since winter (it is summer here at the moment) - normally I wore them with thights - had to put on thick wooly socks as they were way too big....

    I also had to buy a smaller size jandals (flip-flops) for the beach as my old ones was just falling off my feet....

    Sweet! That is a good problem to have in my opinion! lol I cannot wait until it's Summer here! So cold! lol Makes it a bit difficult to get out of the warm house! lol (:
  • NicolioRussell
    I've lost almost 30 and have gone done a shoe size. Started in 9's and am now in 8's!
  • Mandykinz2008
    Mandykinz2008 Posts: 292 Member
    I was around 180 in HS (I'm only 5'2'' so quite large) and wore a size 9. At my thinnest healthy weight (110) I wore a 7, so yes, your feet will shrink. How much just depends on the person.
  • AceyFaceX
    I've lost almost 30 and have gone done a shoe size. Started in 9's and am now in 8's!

    That's awesome! Congrats on your weight loss! (:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I've gone from a men's size ten to a men's size 8, and from EEEE to EE or standard width, depending upon the shoe.

    It'll happen :-).

    O_O nothing besides the feet shrink... right?

    Per your concerns: I've heard the opposite...
  • AceyFaceX
    I was around 180 in HS (I'm only 5'2'' so quite large) and wore a size 9. At my thinnest healthy weight (110) I wore a 7, so yes, your feet will shrink. How much just depends on the person.

    That's great! I would love to wear a size 7. My mom wears a size 7. I get jealous sometimes. haha. Congrats on your weight loss! That's wonderful! (:
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    OOo that'll be fun! My feet went from a 5.5 -> 6 up to a 6.5 -> 7 between pregnancy and keeping all that weight around.

    Hope it doesn't go down TOO far... 5.5's are incredibly hard to find - especially in a "wide"!!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    When I was thinner I use to wear about a 7-7.5 and as I gained weight I went up to 8-8.5(depending on the shoes) and now that I've lost some weight I am back to 7.5 YAAAY lol :happy: