Motivation and support. Do you Twitter?

Just wondering if anyone uses Twitter. I can see how this could be useful for motivation and support.

Just imagine sending a Tweet saying "I am tempted to get that piece of chocolate cake for desert" and then getting several tweets from friends telling you DON'T DO IT!!! Or, tweeting "I know I need to hit the gym but I am having a hard time getting off the couch" and having several friends encourage you.

Tweets can be sent and received from your cell phone in the form of text messages. I integrate mine with Facebook as well.

Just curious about your thoughts.


  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    Just wondering if anyone uses Twitter. I can see how this could be useful for motivation and support.

    Just imagine sending a Tweet saying "I am tempted to get that piece of chocolate cake for desert" and then getting several tweets from friends telling you DON'T DO IT!!! Or, tweeting "I know I need to hit the gym but I am having a hard time getting off the couch" and having several friends encourage you.

    Tweets can be sent and received from your cell phone in the form of text messages. I integrate mine with Facebook as well.

    Just curious about your thoughts.
  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    Never heard of such a thing...but sounds interesting enough to try I reckon...:huh:
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    That's a great idea! I think that would help me a ton, to be able to have that kind of support away from my computer.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    lol, I heard of it and even set up my account on the website & posted but don't know how to work it on my phone (afraid it will be lost of $$) plus I don't have anyone to read my tweets! :laugh:
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    You can sign up for free at

    If you do want to use your cell to post and receive, be sure you have an unlimited text plan.

    Here is a youtube video that explains what Twitter is.

    I just thought it would be an interesting idea.
  • Rachael
    Rachael Posts: 168 Member
    I have one. We're encouraged to use it for work. I never thought about using it for this, though. Good idea. Guess I'll have to set up a second account. Not sure if our clients would care to know that I ate three reese's peanut butter eggs last week :laugh:
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    I have one. We're encouraged to use it for work. I never thought about using it for this, though. Good idea. Guess I'll have to set up a second account. Not sure if our clients would care to know that I ate three reese's peanut butter eggs last week :laugh:

    This is true. LOL I also use mine to stay in touch with family, old High School buds from 30 years ago, and close friends. It is nice to be able to send a short note saying I just made a big sale, or I am at the movies with the kids watching Mall Cop. But then, I am a gadget geek.