Firefighters Wives

Hi everyone, I just joined this Great Site and couldn't find other Firefighter's spouses. You are out there I know. Our spouses jobs are in a high stress job and we are usually the ones sitting at home listening to the scanners, waiting to hear their spouses voices just to make sure they're safe. I tend to stay close to the scanner which is in the kitchen so I tend to open the fridge, so I guess I just figured out why those pounds sneek back on all the time. Anyone else find that is a problem too?
I'm 8 pounds lighter after my one week kick start, now I am starting a more realistic caloric intake for this week.

Created by - Easy Calorie Counting


  • gailyounghusband
    Hi everyone, I just joined this Great Site and couldn't find other Firefighter's spouses. You are out there I know. Our spouses jobs are in a high stress job and we are usually the ones sitting at home listening to the scanners, waiting to hear their spouses voices just to make sure they're safe. I tend to stay close to the scanner which is in the kitchen so I tend to open the fridge, so I guess I just figured out why those pounds sneek back on all the time. Anyone else find that is a problem too?
    I'm 8 pounds lighter after my one week kick start, now I am starting a more realistic caloric intake for this week.

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • gailyounghusband
    Does anyone else feel a quick weightloss in the beginning is good or bad for long term weightloss?

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Jump start is a great motivator!!!
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • gailyounghusband
    Congratulations on your weightloss. :drinker: How long did it take to loose your weight? I can't wait to get that much weight off.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love it here. I :heart: this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.:smile::flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94

    My husband is a firemen too. I tend to get bored and eat, because I'm usually home by myself with my 2 girls alot. I want to lose weight, not only to be healthy and feel better, but to look good for my husband.
  • gailyounghusband
    Last night was my Easter dinner but I managed to make it through the day with less than 1800. I watched what I ate and didn't go back for seconds. I did have a really tiny piece of angel food cake and a few strawberries and low fat dream whip while everyone else had at least twice as much. I was quite proud of myself for making it through the day without really blowing it. I know now that I can do this if I just stay on track. My next hurdle is dealing with all the left overs. The freezer will definately come in handy and I can take things out as I want them.
    I hope everyones Easter is Happy and we all make those healthy choices to help get to us to that target weight we are all after
  • bh34
    bh34 Posts: 94
    Good Job!!!
    Sounds like you are completely on the right track to eating healthy and avoiding temptation.
  • 3boyzmom
    3boyzmom Posts: 18
    my husband is training to be a firefighter....I think he has 30 hours in .
  • gailyounghusband
    Your husband is going to Love it. It really is a lifestyle. I can't see my husband doing anything but firefighting. He has been with the department over 20 years. We both were married before and we have been married for 13 years now. We both struggle with those extra pounds but seem to be able to plan to loose weight at the same time which makes it easier. The support I get at home is really key to my success. When I start to watch what I'm eating, he stops bringing his "treats" home or else he puts them in the freezer underneath something so I am not temped to cheat.
    Good Luck on your weight loss. We have to look for the benifits of a health life style. :wink:
  • gailyounghusband
    :sad: Well I completly blew my progress the last few days. I'm hopeing to get back on track tomorrow. I have the next 5 days before I'm taking my Mom up to see her brother(86). Its an 8 hour drive there so I'll just have to pack healthier snacks for us. It will probably be the last time I'll see him. So it will be an extremely emotional trip. My Dad can't make it right now due to Dr.'s appointments but Mom and Dad will make a trip themselves up there in June if Uncle Bill is still ok. Uncle Bill won't be going home again. Enough of the sad story. I have to concentrate on making myself healthy so I can live a long life like they did and do to this very day.