What are the best running shoes??



  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    I wear Brooks Glycerin running shoes...but each person is different. I've noticed as my weight has lowered, the shoes for my body have also changed because at one point I wore Brooks Trance and Brooks Ariel. Best advice - go to a running store and be fitted properly for your gait, stride, and body style. That's what I did and it will work wonders! Here in my area we have a Luke's Locker and Run-On.
  • zontuin
    zontuin Posts: 72 Member
    If you're getting shin-spints than I would suspect that you have old sneakers. Old sneakers have no cushion left and don't protect against the impact. New sneakers are in order! My rule of thumb: the most comfortable pair of sneakers are the BEST sneakers. Go to the store and try on 10 different brands. The most comfortable one wins. Disregards gimicks, names, colors, etc... Take the most comfortable pair. They will be awesome. All the brands have a different feel to them, and a different fit... which is good, since everyone's feet are shaped differently. My feet feel most comfortable in Nikes. My mom loves the feel of New Balance. Find out which brand YOUR feet love. Good luck! :)
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    +1 to Glycerin. Best cushion for neutral shoes.
    I wear Brooks Glycerin running shoes...but each person is different. I've noticed as my weight has lowered, the shoes for my body have also changed because at one point I wore Brooks Trance and Brooks Ariel. Best advice - go to a running store and be fitted properly for your gait, stride, and body style. That's what I did and it will work wonders! Here in my area we have a Luke's Locker and Run-On.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I would check out a running shoe store. I have in the past and have had great luck and comfortable shoes. They are not cheap but, oh so worth it.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I have Mizuno stabilized shoes. They are perfect for me....

    I second the "go to a running store" I went to a store that actually had a treadmill hooked up to a camera. It filmed you as you ran on the level and then they could see in slow motion how your foot hit the ground etc. Many running stores just watch you as you run down a place they have to do that and don't use a treadmill. I needed stabilized shoes because I roll my feet terribly. They brought out three or four different shoes from different manufacturers and I tried them all and ran on the treadmill with all of them. They checked the roll of my foot but they all took care of that problem so it was an issue of comfort and fit for me. The stabilized shoes don't change how I run, I don't notice any difference except in lack of pain and cramping.
    Just getting new shoes if you are using ones that are old will help but getting fit for the proper shoe will help a lot more.
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    There's a runners den and running room near me. I haven't been but really want to when my budget allows. I just checked runners den site and found a 5k next month I want to do now! Thanks to whoever posted to google "running store" :)