A 'nice people' story

Hot on the heels of the 'people suck' thread, I thought I would relate a more positive story. (Not that I am maligning the other persons experience, it's happened to me more than once. )

Yesterday evening I was out for a walk. It was drizzling heavily, but not out and out raining. On my route I have to cross several roads, in an urban area. Nothing odd about that, but yesterday, in the rain, I had cars stopping back from the give way lines and allowing me to cross in front of them. Even though I was quite happy to wait for them to go first.

This sort of 'chivalry' was unheard of six months ago.

(I've had similar experiences in stores where people actually 'see' me now, but that is likely a personal attitude/manner projection, where the cars stopping has nothing to do with how I am treating them/portraying myself)

Does anyone else have a similar side effect of losing weight?


  • heyydanie
    heyydanie Posts: 103 Member
    Oh, I'd never think you were maligning my experience! It's good to have an opposite side of the coin.

    Yes, people suck, but occasionally there are some good ones out there. Glad you found some!