


  • Timarling
    I'm finishing up week 6. I love it. I'm getting stronger and leaner on a daily basis. The scale isn't moving, but I'm actually starting at a healthy weight already for a 6'2" male. For those who claim it's boring, how is doing X minutes on the elliptical trainer, treadmill, or cycling through the same barbell/dumbbell workouts any different? If you're the type of person who feels more committed with a program when there's a degree of accountability attached, then p90x should work wonders. Besides, when you're doing a home workout, there's no excuse if it's too dark/cold/rainy outside to not get your daily exercise in.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    hubs and I are doing it. some ppl love it, some hate it. some base there opinions on horton. a goofball. but i like that about him. to serious and normal i'd go ADD. But i do wish to kill the yoga dvd. i hate it.

    i just started (over, i did not really follow the plan before just selected dvds to occasionally do) and am already seeing results in week one!

    i adore kenpo, plyo, and legs and back the most.

    to each their own though.