
Hi, I'm Katie. I am 39 and not really new to this weight loss thing. About 7 years ago I lost 65 pounds over the years I have managed to put most of it back on and I am not proud about that. I am just a few short months away from turning 40 and I am determined that this time I will take it off and keep it off. I have 2 kids that I need to see graduate, get married and have kids. If I don't do something about my weight I may not be around to see that.

I am not going through this journey alone, my husband is helping so that does make it a little easier but it is very frustrating that the weight is just falling off of him and I am struggling. I had a set back this week and gained 2 pounds so I am hoping that next week will be better. I am glad to have found MFP. Everyone seems very encouraging and positive. That is exactly what I need to keep my motivation going. Thanks for reading!!


  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    Welcome, MFP is the place to be! I will send you a friend request!!!