dating? age?



  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    4 days before my 19th birthday :)
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    First kiss at 13/14, was ok, the next was horrific, like a washing machine :laugh:
    Had my first boyfriend at 19, never had a "date" before that!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    My first date was when I was 15, I was with the guy for 23 month. I was with another guy after him for 10 month and meet my hubby when I was 18, I'm now 25.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I was 16 when I went on my first date, which also turned into my first (joke of a) relationship. But then again aren't most high school relationships a joke?
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    Never had an actual date. First boyfriend was when i was a child like 6/7 and we held hand an wrote notes until he told his mum and I freaked out so dumped him haha. Otherwise from 14 I guess. But I have had the same boyfriend since i was 17 and now im 22 :)
  • Luckldy31
    Luckldy31 Posts: 34 Member
    My mom and dad said I couldn't date until I'm 30 or have my doctorate.... whichever comes sooner... haha

    but I've never been on a "date" maybe I'm following their rule afterall...
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I met my first "real" boyfriend when I was 16. He was my first everything. Tenth grade was a pretty big year! :)
  • Ginger4real
    I also started young ...I was 12 when I got my first kiss..but it was more of a dare....I met and started dating my Husband at 13 ...Got an apartment with him at 16...married him at 24 ...I'll be 33 next week and we are still married ..with 2 daughters.

    With all that said.... I wish I had waited longer ..the years have been pretty crazy ...we were far too young to have a clue about love and relationships... I missed way too many moments that I can never get back with friends..and grew up wayyyy tooo fast..I'd fight my girls tooth and nail to wait longer to start dating...and when they do date more ..and to experiment and experience more in life before worrying about settling down.
  • carlos1989
    carlos1989 Posts: 74 Member
    first kiss on first date when i was 20 only lasted a month... too many things were just saying we couldnt be together
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    First boyfriend at 14 I wouldn't call it dating as we never went on a proper "date" as we were so young. We just used to go round each others house after school and hang out with friends.

    Second boyfriend (who I'm still with now) was couple of weeks before I was 15. We went on dates like to the cinema and stuff, but we never dated before we became boyfriend/girlfriend. We just liked each other when we were just friends, so started seeing each other, then we had the dates. I think when you're young it's completely different to when your an adult though and you actually go on dates before it become "official" lol

    I never got told at what age I could / couldn't start dating and having a bf. Yet, when I did my Mum didn't complain about it.
  • Lambiii
    Lambiii Posts: 321
    First kiss - 16 first real relationship when i was 18, met my now husband when i was 20, together 5 years now - Married 6 months :)
  • moopachoo
    moopachoo Posts: 69 Member
    I had my first "official" date around 16-17. I had two girlfriends before that that just kind of happened without much "dating" involved. Then there was a pretty dry period for a while until pretty close to when I was turning 19 and now i am still with the guy I started dating then :P
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I started early!
    Dated at age 11, started "experimenting" at age 12, fell in love at age 16, married at age 18, 5 kids, great life - 28 years later we're still together.

    It's a wonderful adventure!:drinker:

    That sounds just like me, except, I divorced at 26 and remarried. Am happily married for the last 12 years.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I also started young ...I was 12 when I got my first kiss..but it was more of a dare....I met and started dating my Husband at 13 ...Got an apartment with him at 16...married him at 24 ...I'll be 33 and we are still married ..with 2 daughters.

    With all that said.... I wish I had waited longer ..the years have been pretty crazy ...we were far too young to have a clue about love and relationships... I missed way too many moments that I can never get back with friends..and grew up wayyyy tooo fast..I'd fight my girls tooth and nail to wait longer to start dating...and when they do date more ..and to experiment and experience more in life before worrying about settling down.
    I have zero regrets. What I missed out on were relationship breakups, divorces, custody battles, money fights, heart aches, loneliness, professional set backs, being broke and depression. Sure, we had challenges, but the struggles build character.

    Right now we're both pushing 50, and I am semi-retired, and she's at the top of her game.
    Life is to be lived!
    And we have - and the adventure continues...:drinker:
    You those of you just beginning your journey?

  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I started early!
    Dated at age 11, started "experimenting" at age 12, fell in love at age 16, married at age 18, 5 kids, great life - 28 years later we're still together.

    It's a wonderful adventure!:drinker:

    That sounds just like me, except, I divorced at 26 and remarried. Am happily married for the last 12 years.
    Sometimes you need to change horses - even in mid-stream. Both the mare and the stallion must pull together or not at all. Glad to hear things worked out.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    The only date I ever got asked out on was when I was 16, and he never showed up to get me. I had boyfriends, but we never went out on dates. So technically, I went on my first date when I was 17 with who is now my fiance! Haha.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    16 when i got my drivers license.
  • PrincessMorticia
    PrincessMorticia Posts: 96 Member
    I have actually had a lot of trouble dating. I had a bad childhood and turned to sex as soon as I realized that some men were interested in me (usually older men, driving by as I walked to/from school). I started having sex at 14 and was very promiscuous for was all that I knew. The first real DATE that I had ever had, when sex wasn't pre-arranged to be at the end of the dinner/movie/etc, I was 22 years old. So make your future dating life worthwhile....don't ruin it with expectations of sex! <3
  • lisaslim1976
    I started early!
    Dated at age 11, started "experimenting" at age 12, fell in love at age 16, married at age 18, 5 kids, great life - 28 years later we're still together.

    It's a wonderful adventure!:drinker:
    That's lovely!!!! :-)