Guess what?



  • nutandbutter
    i'm sorry i hate threads like these, it makes me feel like your being rude to everyone who don't eat these yummy things, its their (should i say our) choice after all, how do you know that one cookie wont spoil their efforts for the week?

    What works for you doesn't necessarily work for me, or anyone else for that matter.

    Moderation is a great concept, but when faced with something scrumptious it means nothing to me, therefore i avoid, plus like someone else said, 1 cookie @ 300 calories? i'd rather have a filling fruit packed yummy smoothie!

    and have i read that right are you actually saying that if i avoid chocolate and sweets then i am going to get an eating disorder? because i thought i was just going to get slim??

    note: i know your NOT being rude but you've got to see that people read things differently to how you might want it to come across.

    I hate all the "I eat clean and so should you" threads. They tend to come across (to me) as holier than thou. Please quit looking down on me because I enjoy ice cream, cookies and reese's pb cups. That being said, I do eat anything I want in moderation and I also have a history of binging (and purging). I'm now at a place in my life where I control my food, not the other way. I did have to keep the "tempting" food out of the house for a period of time to get where I am now.

    Note: I know this isn't how you intended it to come across, but that's how it does a lot of times in those threads.
  • amcharanek

    Stuffed with oreos
  • junyr
    junyr Posts: 416 Member
    Have you seen the cookies called "Whonu?" I think their flavor is pretty close to an Oreo

    Nutrition for 3 cookies
    Calories 150
    Sodium 100 mg
    Total Fat 7 g
    Saturated 2 g
    Total Carbs 22 g
    Dietary Fiber 3 g
    Sugar 9g
    Protein 2 g
    Vitamin A 20%
    Calcium 30%
    Vitamin C 25%
    Iron 20%

    vs Oreo
    Nutrition for 1 cookie
    Calories 160
    Sodium 160 mg
    Total Fat 7 g
    Saturated 2 g
    Potassium 60 mg
    Total Carbs 25 g
    Dietary Fiber 1 g
    Sugars 14 g
    Protein 1 g
    Vitamin A 0%
    Calcium 2%
    Vitamin C 0%
    Iron 10%

    I love sweets and I love desserts. My solution: frozen fruit bars. I've found ones that are only 80 calories a bar =D

    Every one of the four varieties of whonu (Chocolate, Crispy, Soft & Chewy, and Vanilla) contains artificial flavors, hydrogenated oils, and chemicals like monocalcium phosphate, monoglycerides, and polydextrose. (Polydextrose, according to Wikipedia, is “an indigestable synthetic polymer of glucose.

    No thanks.
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member
    I have to say I agree with the posters who not so much. I am diabetic, had the gestational stuff and now it's turned into type 2. I have really started to get serious about losing my post baby weight these last couple months but just recently started holding myself accountable by logging everything I eat these last couple of weeks here, on this website. One of the things I have noticed is that when I hold myself accountable and really cut out every nibble here and nibble there of all the bad stuff ( for me that's sugar, bread, pasta, etc.) I don't miss it like I do if I nibble. I haven't figured out if it's a mind thing or an actual chemical thing going on in my body but so far it has really worked for me. Maybe down the road I'll try to add it back in again, but then I think why mess up what is working so well? (By the way for my sweet tooth I have discovered the yummy goodness of sliced baked sweet potates sprinkled with little bits of love melting in my mouth!!)