Hey P90Xers



  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I wondered if that might be my problem. I'll try to eat more....I can't believe I just said that! LOL


    Anyone else got any advice?? I need all I the advice I can get.....

    You've dropped 8 lbs since the beginning but are you consistently dropping sizes? That is the key.

    A lot of people focus on the weight but if you drop 3 pant sizes, that means a lot. Body fat loss is the key.

    I've always jokingly said 'I don't care if I weigh 320 if I have a 32" waist and 4% bodyfat." :laugh:
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I wondered if that might be my problem. I'll try to eat more....I can't believe I just said that! LOL


    Anyone else got any advice?? I need all I the advice I can get.....

    Have you set your own MFP percentages to mesh with p90x? I think the first phase was 50% protein and 30% carb, phase 2 is 40% of protein and carb. I'm not 3 yet so I haven't worried about it but I know it's really high carb.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    How do you set your percentages on MFP? I want to do that for my second round.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    How do you set your percentages on MFP? I want to do that for my second round.

    go into home, goal, custom - it should take you the page with the nutrients and you just change the percentages on each group.

    It makes the nutrition so much easier. My hubby counts portions, I just type what I have planned for meals/snack then I know what I need to eat more of to fill it all in.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    How do you set your percentages on MFP? I want to do that for my second round.

    go into home, goal, custom - it should take you the page with the nutrients and you just change the percentages on each group.

    It makes the nutrition so much easier. My hubby counts portions, I just type what I have planned for meals/snack then I know what I need to eat more of to fill it all in.

    Thanks a lot. I had heard you could do that but couldn't find where to set it.
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    Have you set your own MFP percentages to mesh with p90x? I think the first phase was 50% protein and 30% carb, phase 2 is 40% of protein and carb. I'm not 3 yet so I haven't worried about it but I know it's really high carb.

    Thanks!! I'm going to do that right now!
  • aimstein
    aimstein Posts: 94
    Have you set your own MFP percentages to mesh with p90x? I think the first phase was 50% protein and 30% carb, phase 2 is 40% of protein and carb. I'm not 3 yet so I haven't worried about it but I know it's really high carb.

    I set MFP to mesh with p90x. It is sooo much easier to than portion control. Please let me know what phase three is once you figure it out. Thanks so much for the advice!!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I'm glad that's working for you. I don't know if I could do it if I didn't have it set on here. My husband is doing the portion control, but I'd never be able to remember what fit as what each day.

    Here's a link to the nutrition guide.


    There's another tread on here that's a great resource too. p90x - starting a new thread is the title I think. We're on part 3, but soon to be 4.