bizarre childhood fears



  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Nothing specific for me that I can recall.

    My sister was terrifed of Chucky (from Child's Play). My next door neighbor had the chucky the doll sitting in the window and my sister wouldn't even go into the yard...haha

    She was also terrified of the toilet because my mom flushed a spider down the toilet in front of her and she refused to use it... That really set my mom back in potty training...

    Oh, and my sister happened to watch 'It' by Stephen King with me... I think it took weeks before she'd shower without plugging the

    My fiance was terrified of this glass pig (piggy bank) that his mom had. It had this awful smile and it would keep him up all night because she left it in his room. One day he smashed it (killed and when he came home he found it all pieced back together again in his room!!!! (His mom had super glued it....and put it back...haha). He thought the pig had put itself back He was terrified.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Years before I'd ever heard of a tsunami, I used to have a nightmare that I'd be at the beach having a lovely time when a monstrous wave would come and drown everyone there and wash up along the glass of the holiday high rise buildings along the coast. I still don't like movies with huge waves out at sea.
    We live in Australia, and go to the beach all the time, I just don't think about it during the day, only when I sleep.
    I actually love going to the beach!
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    Oh boy do I have a good one! I had a fear of tiny porous holes. Like...when you make pancakes and they get all bubbly? Then the bubbles pop and leave little holes behind? Yeah that. Ew. Gross. Disgusting. I get all grossed out just thinking about it. What can I say? I'm a weirdo!
  • SouthernNHgirl
    SouthernNHgirl Posts: 27 Member
    When I was about 8, I saw an episode of Six Million Dollar Man where he fell into a snake pit. For years, probably until I was about 13, I had to sleep in the fetal position because I imagined snakes under the blankets at the end of my bed. I then figured out that if I slept with socks on, the snakes couldn't get me, so my legs could extend out a bit further. Then finally one day in my late teens the snakes went away. Sometimes when I'm in bed now, I think back and remember how silly it was. It was so very real as a child though.