Losing inches but not weight

Hi All,

I have been on My Fitness Pal for about 8 months and have lost 16kg however recently I have seemed to stall.

I got to about 112kg and went up and and down on this weight over xmas...but after xmas after putting on 2kg I dropped that very quickly however for the past month I have been unable to lose anymore weight.

I am coming under my calorie goal every day, I exercise every day including running, cycling, and cross training (am training for a 10k in Ireland in April). I do also do weights and my partner has commented that I have really buffed up in the past 4 weeks.

My question is this, I know we have all heard the "muscle is heavier than fat" argument but could that be true here, according to my weight chart if the plan was working I should have lost 2kg more since the beginning of January than I have but if anything I have put on 0.5kg...so could it be the muscle bulk is offsetting the weight loss.

I am trying not to get demotivated by the lack of losses recently as I am clearly fitter and trimmer but I cannot deny the little voice that keeps telling me I am doing something wrong




  • i would try recalibrating your scale....they can go off perfect over time. Also make sure you weigh around the same time when you do and same way (clothed or not).