Through the bad times

So in the past two days my dad has been diagnosed with lung cancer and started on chemo therapy, this in itself is sucky so I don't need to be-labor that point....but...

How do/did you guys still stay on track when something tough in life is happening? I know that I'm on a emotional short string right now but if I allow my program to suffer during this process I'm going to be even unhappier because I've put on weight. Last night I was at the hospital until almost 9pm so I grabbed something quick to eat, I tried to make good decisions but as this continues my resolve to make good decisions is going to wane.


  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    First, I'm sorry about your dad. I hope the prognosis is good and he recovers.

    Second, I've been going through a tough time myself. I just have to take it a day at a time. Make the best decisions I can...exercise is great for stress. But sometimes the idea of exercise is so overwhelming. Plan ahead for hospital days...bring snacks and food.

    Third, cut yourself a break. Stress adds some dimensions to weight loss. You can learn to be healthier during this time...but realize it's a day at a time. If you fall down or fall back into some unhealthy old habits, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back to it. Don't add stress by trying to be perfect.

    Good luck. Again, I hope your dad fully recovers.
  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    First of all I would like to give you a hug ...*hugs*... and thoughts and prayers for your dad and your family! I know first hand how hard it is to see a loved one go through something like that.

    Second of all, I understand how you feel. My husband is overseas so I'm currently a single mom of a two year old with no family nearby, working full time, and trying to sell our house. Obviously it's not the same as what you are going through, but we all struggle sometimes to keep going. My point is, I like to view my workout/gym time as an escape. A way to get some frustration out...clear my mind... It is the one place I can go, put my headphones in, and just be corny as that might sound.

    Find a good Pandora station or a good play list, hit the track or elliptical or treadmill, and just focus on clearing everything out of your mind. Whether for 10 minutes or for 2 always helps me feel a little at peace in this crazy world. Hope that helps. *hugs* again.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    My Mum was diagnosed with cancer December 2008 and died two months later, next Friday will be the third anniversary.

    When she was in hospital, I too was in there till late and then having to have something to eat, unfortunately for me, I made bad choices and went from a nice healthy weight to gaining four stone, not just when she was in hospital but the months that followed her death.

    Do you have a slow cooker that you could through some meat and veggies in before you go to the hospital? You could prepare a big batch of bolognese/curry/soup etc and freeze it so you only have to heat it up when you get home.

    I'm really sorry that you are going through this, I hope he pulls through as quickly as possible. X
  • Sending a friend request to you soon! My mother was diagnosed with cancer in August. She is now just finishing a round of chemo treatments. We our all holding our breath to see what the scan says in a couple of weeks. I've been through a million different emotions with this but the best thing that came out of this was a decision that my health is important. I've lost 15 pounds and would like to lose 30 more. My reasons to do this were always important but I feel them so much deeper which skyrockets my commitment to this. When I watch her feeling so tired and moving so much more slowly, I know that those minutes that I spend on the treadmill mean something so much more than just my sweat and sore knees. Best of luck to you and your family.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Look into anti stress foods that you might like and carry them with you, like oranges, almonds, pistachios, walnuts. One of the recommedations is an every shake in the morning. Up your B vitamins, they really help. Dried apricots, maybe make a turkey sandwich or salad to take to the hospital. These are all know dietary support for stress.
    Other than that, just do the best you can, then if it all goes sideways and you need some comfort food then get it out of your system and start anew the next day. Don't let it crash you for good though, you can do this and succeed at both. Support your dad and stave off weight gain. Is there anything you can do at the hospital to keep yourself busy, needlework, knitting, cross stitch. The more you can keep your mind and hands busy the less you will be likely to give in to stress eating (this is spoken from harsh experience, I have lost a parent and in-law to cancer and was a primary care giver both times.)
  • hillbillyannie
    hillbillyannie Posts: 139 Member
    Try to stay busy doing something not food related. If you have to, go for a walk. I will be praying for you and your father. My mother has had four types of cancer including lung so I can identify with you. She luckily never had chemo or radiation treatments only surgeries. My prayer will be for your father's recovery and for you to have strength and patience.
  • sunfyrejade
    sunfyrejade Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you everyone, I'll keep all of your suggestions in mind and thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Sending you and your family positive thoughts and vibes.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I'm in a similar situation. My Dad was diagnosed last April and has had a round of radiation but he decided against chemo. He is in a nursing home right now but is expected to come home next Tuesday for awhile. He is doing ok for now.
    My best advice for you is to take one day at a time and do what you are able to stay with your eating plan. There will be days you just can't, but try to make wise choices. I'll keep your Dad in my prayers along with mine.