RANT - Not looking for suggestions, just need to rant.

I had a 'friend' whom I introduced to MFP. Helped her with signing up, filling out her profile etc. This was all done between Christmas and New Year, the same time I joined.

She logged her foods (completely underestimating calories) and complained she wasn't losing weight and convinced herself it was because she didn't have any additional friends and not because although she was under her calorie allowance for the day, she was eating nothing but chocolate and such and dues to underestimating, was likely to be eating more than she thought.

Anyway, I posted on my wall that she needed friends and can others befriend her, which they did. I also told her she needed to start exercising if she wanted to get toned up. So she starts logging everything, and I mean everything. I told her there is no point logging things that she does on a daily basis because she got to the weight she is by doing those things anyway but she still logs it and eats back the calories. Is it any wonder she isn't losing weight? I'll never understand why people log their daily activities as exercise, eg walking to the loo or doing laundry, they gained weight by doing that in the first place so it's not burning any extra calories and it's not exercise, it's life.

Anyway, the point.

I told her that it isn't fair that she expects others to 'congratulate' her on her *ahem* exercise and eating under her calorie goal (which would be better it had some sort of nutritional value in the food she was eating) if she isn't giving the support back.

I mean, why should others go out of their way to make her feel motivated when she just sits on her *kitten* and doesn't give anything back? Her online persona is exactly like her real life one, does nothing for anyone but expects everyone to go out of their way to help her, lazy in other words.

If she doesn't want to offer support to her 'friends' then she shouldn't expect them to do the same for her. She shouldn't complain that she isn't losing weight if she's not eating at a deficit and eating chocolates, doughnuts etc and not getting up and doing any exercise.

Rant over. I think.


  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Rants can be good and am sure she will never know about it.:flowerforyou:

    Everyone is different in life and how we interact is what makes our lives better so take her as she is or move on.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I wish it were easy to move on but unfortunately, I am stuck with this woman in my life forever as she is my MIL.

    Believe me, this isn't the only thing she does that gets under my skin but it's not worth the hassle. She makes Snow White's stepmum look like a peach.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    Ugh, people like that, why bother? It is frustrating I deal with people who get under my skin all the time I just ignore it, live my life. I hope ranting helped get out some frustrations.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    you tried to help her by letting her know about the site that gives tools to be healthy, now its on her to put in the work.. if she fails, she is the only one to blame, just dont let it sidetrack your effort