Feeling Discouraged.

For all of you that have been successful...how do you stay focused and motivated when you have so much weight to lose, and even if you lose 3lbs here and 2lbs there, you're goal seems untouchable. I've just started my weight loss journey but it just seems like 96lbs is SOOOO far away and theres absolutely no light at the end of the tunnel. :ohwell:


  • SWEETS1234
    SWEETS1234 Posts: 243 Member
    It's all about a pound here and there because they all add up. Before you know it you'll counting out the last few pounds. If you ever really need a reminder grab a pound of butter and you'll see that a pound really makes a difference.
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    One thing that trainers tell me is to focus on short term goals like 2lbs a week instead of a long term goal. Its very hard to stay focused when your goal seems so far away. But if you concentrate on weekly goals then you will have a sense of achievement every week. It will also make time fly by because you will be happier knowing you are doing good. You will get there before you know it. You will start feeling lighter and more energetic and the more you lose and stay with you weekly goals the prouder you will be of yourself. Stick with it no matter what. Your health matters!
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    It's like saving your change for a rainy day. At first you may only have a few pennies, but eventually you will have enough for a night out or even a vacation.
  • Eureka175
    Eureka175 Posts: 77 Member
    I set mini goals of 5 lbs at a time - and celebrate each 5:)
  • amykathleen2005
    amykathleen2005 Posts: 79 Member
    Give yourself a non food related prize for achieving a goal. Like a nice shirt at 20 lbs. lost.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I would agree with Sweets. It is all about a pound here and there. I would also say it is about inches and how you are feeling? Have you measure yourself. Do that and in one month, measure again and see how much you have lost. Mix up your workouts. Work with a friend. I have ways to help you with working out if you like help. Message me. Don't get discouraged. Each day is a new one and you will get there.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Instead of focusing on the overall goal - focus on smaller, mini goals. Ones that will be quicker and easier to achieve. I truly believe doing that helps a lot. It feels like a very daunting task to say "I have to lose 96lbs". But, if you focus on losing 10lbs or 15lbs at a time, next thing you know? Those 10lbs or 15lbs add up and you're almost to your goal. :)
  • Give yourself a non food related prize for achieving a goal. Like a nice shirt at 20 lbs. lost.

    I used to take the money that I would have spent on a bottle of wine and instead of having the wine, put the money in a box. I'd do it every week until I had enough cash to treat myself. If there's something food or drinkwise that you treat yourself with, take the money and save it if you can. It'll soon add up and you can use it to remind yourself of how many calories you've cut out whilst treating yourself to something non-food at the same time.

    Celebrate smaller goals and it'll be much easier to reach your end goal.
  • think about this as a lifestyle change rather than simply a weight loss diet and you may begin to see things in a different perspective.
  • Art63
    Art63 Posts: 87
    I've lost my weight without a goal. In fact, I didn't start out trying to lose weight at all. I started by simply trying to take little walks outside. SLOW little walks. Like 20 minutes. I bet I didn't go a mile...I just ambled along. It was something I could do and bound to help me.

    Never did I imagine I would lose 28 pounds in six months. NEVER. Had I even considered that, I would have quit before I began because I'd have said it was impossible. Heck, I had been the same weight (aound 210) for 15 years. How in the world could I hope to reach the 170's? I figured I'd be 210 forever. Nope, weight loss wasn't for me.

    But slowly my walking increased. I walked a little longer and eventually slightly faster. And slowly I just ate less. I didn't announce to my friends or family that I was trying to lose weight. That would just make me feel discouraged when I failed. I just ate less and kept walking. Not a lot less...just a little less. Guess what? The weight started coming off.

    My point is maybe we don't need to focus so much on a long term objective. Sure, you want to weigh a certain amount. Fine. But don't think about it. Don't even plan for it.. Like the others have said, look to each day as one day's objective. Eat right today. Get a little exercise today. Let tomorrow take care of itself.

    I wish you well.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    It is so easy to get discouraged...and so hard to stay focused on today when our ultimate goal seems so far away. As others have said, you need to set up a series of mini goals and really celebrate those achievments.

    Something that worked for me was realizing how much weight I was gaining each year that I didn't get myself under control. Over the past two years I had gained approximately 12 pounds per year. I drew up a poster illustrating 2010 and 2011 showing those 2 12 pound gains; beside that I have another poster for 2012 where I am charting my journey for this year. Any small loss, even a week where I don't lose anything, is still a win because I didn't gain! For me this makes it easier to stay the course, I don't have to lose a lot of weight to be a winner, I just have to not gain...takes a lot of pressure off, which makes sticking to the plan a lot easier.

    Slow and steady wins the race...this is a lifestyle change, not a momentary diet (they always fail in the long run). You can do it! I believe in you. Stick with MFP, keep logging, and celebrate the little victories (scale and non-scale) along the way. :flowerforyou:
  • With every pound I lose it keeps motivating me to push harder. Whatever the weight loss celebrate it! Celebrate the new healthy choices. In my mind I have a picture of what I want to look like. I keep thinking about that picture and that keeps me going. I actually like working out now too, I would have never thought I would say something like that lol
  • kimberly_grubbs
    kimberly_grubbs Posts: 70 Member
    When I started I had the mentality of just getting healthy and starting a healthy lifestyle, rather than thinking of all the weight that had to be lost. I wasn't even sure if I would lose that much, but I knew that I wanted to be healthy regardless of the number on scale. It's always harder when you think of the max you want to lose, but if you can view it in terms of upgrading your quality of life for the rest of your life and for your family, maybe that will give you some perspective.

    We all have some bumps along the way, some much more than others, but if you keep this up, you will see the results you want with time! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • It's not about the goal. It's about the constant improvement to your quality of life. The goal is where you're aiming but losing 3lbs is still a big deal, lose that 4-5 times and you've lost a stone. Just losing a stone is a life changer, trust me
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    You have to think intellectually about weight loss. Not emotionally.

    Intellectually you know it's a long process. Realize it. Understand it. Accept it.

    Weight loss and weight management is truly a one day at a time decision.

    The sum of the parts is stronger than the whole. Divide the 96 up into smaller goals. Reaching small goals will get you to your ultimate goal. It's like running a marathon. You have build endurance.

    There's no substitution for hard work. Intellectually you know that. Realize it. Understand it. Accept it.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Rather than looking at the end target focus on the journey. You have to have good reasons why you want to lose weight, good enough to be stronger than any negative thoughts you will have along the way. Once you have these its about being on the right diet for you.

    Some swear by one others by another diet, don't worry about how you are going to adapt your chosen diet into a sensible eating plan for when you near your goal, you will have plenty of time to do this as you near your goal. Pick a diet that you are most confident that you can stick to, and provides the nutrients you require.

    You will have an overall goal but as long as you are improving your health and losing weight most weeks you are doing well.

    I have tried many diets, the difference this time is not to do with the food I am eating it is working because I have taken a much better mental approach to the diet this time.
  • AngelsheriHackley
    AngelsheriHackley Posts: 67 Member
    i felt this way 40 pounds ago and i almost gave up. but trust me if you ear right and exercise five days a week for one hour and weight twice weekly the weight will come off it took me six months to lose 40 pounds and i still have another 30 to go before i reach my goal. hang in there and please give yourself a break.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    take one day at a time. repeat daily, "with God, all things are possible" :)
  • Jenna70
    Jenna70 Posts: 130 Member
    I set smaller goals. When I started I had 94 pounds to lose. I focused on 10 pound increments and celebrated every single pound loss. I am now closing in on the first "major" mini goal of reaching "Onederland". It didn't happen as quickly as I'd like (it's been 6 months) but I'm averaging around 5 pounds a month. I still have a ways to go, but I realize it took me several years to gain the weight and if it takes 1, 2 or even 3 years to reach my final goal I'm okay with it.

    I am also focused on how good I feel when I exercise. I feel stronger and healthier and am happy to be making progress, however small the increments may be. My final goal is set at 140 but I'm not worried about the number. My real goal is to be fit and healthy and look and feel good.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like, I enjoy encouraging my friends. :)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I got about 80+ lbs to go and I just started out. In order to stay sane, i'm making a mini goal of 250 lbs so I dont go nuts thinking about hitting under 200 lbs...