Watching Sodium...

I've been having problems with my sodium recently (certain days I know why).
But I was just wondering how some of you deal with the salt issue.

Any help would be much appreciated. :)


  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    There's a ridiculous amount of sodium in processed foods. Avoid them if possible. I had a problem finding low sodium snacking foods but now I really enjoymunsalted mixed nuts and trail mix. Lots of fiber & protein and no sodium. My worst sodium days are thendays when I'm eating processed foods. I've also began eating my salads without any dressing at all & I'm really enjoying it. Who knew vegetables actually had their own flavor without adding the dressing!

    PS, feel free to check out my diary. I'm usually pretty low in sodium.
  • Hehe. Awesome! I'll take that into consideration.

    I knew some stuff about the processed foods, and I looked into it most of the time.
    But those are more of the 'home' problems since I live at my college campus.
    But regardless, I'll still probably be ordering things that should not be processed there either (eating more the protein and getting more salads)

    Thanks so much for letting me look at your food diary too!