All-inclusive vacation-help!



  • hugoloredo
    Hi everyone: what do you think about this tour: ?
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Go and forget about dieting. When I went to France this summer, my trainer told me he wanted me to go over a size 8 and come back a size 10. Eat, drink and be merry; then hit the gym when you get home again. These are memories that will last a lifetime, don't taint them with worry about a pound or two!
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    I just came back for a 10 day all inclusive holiday and it was HARD! i had only lost 4-5 lbs before the trip and it took me 2 months to loose it. So i tried so hard to be "good:" on holidays. I made sure i hit the gym 5 of the 10 days for 40 min each. ( treadmill or elliptical). i tried to drink only water during the day and then indulging in my sugary margarita's with dinner and in the evening. I tried to stay away from the crap at the snack grill and make the best choices i could. i know i was over my 1200-1300 cals a day guaranteed! ( just at breakfast i made good choices but when you add it up i was double what i normally eat at home... fresh fruit, eggs) I tell ya it was HARD! next time i will be not worrying about weight at all on holiday and enjoy my trip. I found i was stressing about everything i was putting in my mouth and how it was going to impact me in the end. I want a stress free vacation, isn't that the point of going on vacation? i put on 2 lbs still in the end and it came off about 3 days after i got home, normally i put on 5. so don't worry too much and just enjoy your holiday!

    sorry i had no tips for you,lol....

    You did very well, Lin. Sounds like you were more in control than you think and with only a 2lb gain, that's good.

    We go in just under four weeks on AI (our eldest daughter is getting married in Cyprus). I know my good intentions will go out the window during that first meal and evening, lol. Oh well, holidays are to enjoy and I intend to enjoy mine. Whatever I put on, will come off again when we come back. Life is for living :smile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Just go and enjoy it. forget the calorie counting! Why pay all that money just to worry. get back on the wagon when you get home. Otherwise what is the point!!!!

    This. Worst case scenario, you'll reach your goal weight about a week later than you would have if you didn't go on the vacation. I think it's worth it.
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    I spent two weeks in Crete all inclusive in August 2011. At that point I had lost 45 pounds and although I was not concerned with losing weight on holiday I didnt want to gain.

    My strategy was as follows:-

    Breakfast - they made fresh omlettes to order so I had a mushroom one followed by fresh pineapple/water melon/strawberries every morning.

    Lunch - they had grilled chicken and grilled fresh fish every day so I had that with a HUGE salad, fruit and water.

    Dinner - I allowed myself a small portion of whatever meat in sauce was on offer with loads of vegetables and a small portion or rice/pasta/potato.. I had the occassional dessert and sometimes a cheesboard but was very careful with carbs and portion sizes.

    Drinks - 2 glasses of white wine with dinner and several vodka and diet cokes each evening. During the day water only.

    Exercise - I swam for 40 minutes every day after lunch and we tend to walk quite a lot on holiday. I also joined in with the activity sessions - water polo, volleyball, aeorobics etc.

    I had a fantastic time, felt in control and lost 3.5 pounds!!

    All inclusive is tempting but it IS possible to manage it and still have a great time.

    Good luck:smile:

    Wow, you did good, Dizzydi :smile:
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    If I were you, I would try to incorporate the following, which I plan to do on my honeymoon in a few months...

    For alcoholic drinks, vodka sodas or vodka press (vodka with half club soda, half sprite- my drink of choice) or vodka diet. Michelob Ultra or Guinness beer.

    Other than alcohol, drink only water! and make sure to drink lots of it!

    Don't deprive yourself when it comes to food, but just make better choices. Eat smaller bites/portions, skip the chips and bread, 2 pizza slices instead of 3, etc.

    Try to work out some, or go on physical adventures. Swim around the pool between sipping your cocktail!

    You might gain a pound or two, which is expected, but don't fully forget what you've worked for- you will be mad at yourself later!