What drives you to be in shape?



  • coquette87
    But let me ask you a blunt question, does it make you feel hot?

    :blushing: Perhaps a little. As I keep going, I'm finding I catch glimpses of myself in the mirror and I start to think "Hey, looking pretty good there!"
  • charrn66
    Staying healthy and attractive. Being comfortable in my own body. Having a better love life with my husband. ;) That last one is definitely a big motivator to stay fit. Lol.

    Couldn't agree more with that last reason! It makes me more confident, and that is exciting to him as well!

    I also like to feel strong, able to try new sports, and not getting winded climbing a flight of stairs. As well, I finally put on a bikini for the first time in 25 years last summer, and by gosh I am going to do it again this one! :glasses:
  • Srdking
    Srdking Posts: 84 Member
    I got hot during and after every workout of Insanity I did. If this is what you are talking about and my face would be red as well. Since I completed Insanity, I don't have this problem with any of my other workouts. For me it was a good thing. It meant I was working hard.

    I want better health! Not so much to look better that's least important to me. I want to feel better! Since losing weight and eating healthy, I feel 110% better. Now I look at my old foods and can't believe all the fat and grease I was putting in my body. No wonder I feel so much better.

    1. Better health!
    2. To feel better
    3. I wanted a lifestyle change