Just Joined - Didn't lose weight on Weight Watchers



  • NidiaG24
    NidiaG24 Posts: 31 Member
    My sister did WW and other "diets" she got fed up and started doing her own thing. She's lost 100 lbs on her own and she taught me a lil something too. I lost about 20lbs even tho i'm not trying to lose weight.
  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    I have not read previous posts so sorry if I repeat. I did weight watchers. Made it to goal. And just COULD NOT transition pointing with maintenance. This in my opinion is the place to be. My sister did ww and she struggled and needed to change what she was doing and she came here which is why I'm back here too. I think ww is not a true in vs out mathematical equation like what you get here. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    I love weightwatchers and got to my goal weight in 6 months (lost 3 stones) on their propoints plan plus swimming daily for exercise (I lost weight every week except Xmas). When I converted my foods from points to calorie values I found that I was eating an average of 1800 calories a day and I still lost the 3 stone doing that (in context am a 46yearold 5ft 5.5 female).

    I still track on weightwatchers and also on here and find both similar in the amount I was allocated to eat to both lose and maintain. Both initially told me I need to eat much less than I actually eat in order to maintain (500 calories a day less in fact) so I had to adjust both ww and MFP to the actual amount I need to maintain.

    Agreed that ww doesn't work for everyone, even though it has for me, and good luck with successfully losing on here.
  • SMKean90
    SMKean90 Posts: 55
    the old version of weightwatchers (tried 3 years ago just before the newer one came out) worked ok, but lacked 'education'.
    The new one had minimal effect, and slimming world was AWFUL the lady i had was unhelpful (and larger than me!) i yoyo'd my weight the first time, and the second i gave up after a gained 1/2 stone DESPITE following almost obsessively. (i didnt get my wasted money back by the way as they promise).

    I am now on a lowered calorie, lowered fat diet as discussed with a specialist and doing as much sport (and weights in particular) as i can (single working mum).
    feel free to add :)
  • Barry0611
    Barry0611 Posts: 8 Member
    WW was a mixed bag for me. Tried it three times, twice I lost weight, one time I didn't, always gained it back. I was traveling a lot for business, keeping the points was really a pain. Also I hated going to the meetings, only good thing was I was regularly keeping track of my weight. Now I use MFP and a have decent scale in my home. I easily keep track of what I eat and weigh, participate in the message groups here and other places for community. The key for me is that it has to easy to do or I won't do it. WW became an expensive hassle that wasn't very effective.
  • contrarymary7504
    contrarymary7504 Posts: 30 Member
    I started WW in November, 2013. After attending meetings a few months I decided to track both points at ww and calories on mfp. I realized my 26 points plus a couple of free fruits and veggies were about 1600 calories a day which is too much for a fast but healthy weight loss.

    For me, the biggest strike against points was all the free items...that aren't free if you put them into the ww recipe builder. How can something be free and still have points? I found this to be complete nonsense.

    Now I only track on MFP. I eat 1200 calories a day unless I earn enough exercise calories to eat more. I feel great and I've lost 58lbs since November.
  • ladi903
    ladi903 Posts: 18 Member
    I lost 11 or so on WW but after that I couldn't get that scale to move and I didn't feel I was eating enough. My allowed points were 26. So I'm really trying MFP hoping to get me to my goal weight
  • KymGreer92
    KymGreer92 Posts: 26 Member
    I was on WW and tracked as accurately as possible and exercised 5 days a week. I gained 5 lbs in the 3 months I was using the program. I did however lose inches. I thought there was something wrong with my scale. I switched back to MFP last week and lost 2 lbs.

    I think I wasn't eating enough because I would try to stick to my 26 points and not use the extra points or my activity points. I always wondered if you are suppose to use these points or not. MFP is pretty straight forward with calories in and calories out.

    WW also doesn't have a wide selection of food in their food database. I often had to create my own food points or scan the barcode. That is difficult when trying to grocery shop for food within your point range. But with MFP I just need to look at the calories on the label.
  • sherry_grace12
    Literally just cancelled my membership! I felt like it wasn't teaching me to eat right, only what processed crap was in my points. Just finished reading The Skinny Rules and it was eye opening!

    Feel free to add me!
  • torquetraction
    torquetraction Posts: 3 Member
    you are going to learn alot more on the internet than you ever will in WeightWatchers.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Honestly, any program that gives you "free" foods is setting you up for failure. I've never done WW, but as far as I've learned, vegetables and fruits are not logged as calories spent, which is ridiculous to me, and probably a reason some people don't lose.