Gonna start weight training and a cleaner diet - Any advice?

So I have done okay losing so far with a mix of calorie counting and low carbing. But now im starting to feel the whole yo-yo effect coming on as I'm getting sick of dieting, Ive also hurt my knee so havent been able to do much of my favorite cardio activities. Getting scared that I'm about to loose my will and gain everything back, I went out and got a gym membership. Starting tomorow my new goal is weight training and a more clean diet. Only I have know idea what i'm really getting my self into. I plan to take it slow initially. Any advice or tips would be much appreciated. Or any women weight training that wouldnt mind sharing thier diary would be awesome too as I'm more confused on what I should be eating, how much and when. So on.


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    my diet isnt the best..as far as 'clean eating' goes. but i do weight train. i'm a vegetarian too. i do eat whole grains, veggies, fruits, greek yogurts, nuts etc..but i also eat processed foods as well (so called organic versions).

    weight training is essential for women, especially as we age. keeping or putting on muscle mass helps us in so many ways.
    i suggest bodybuilding.com. they have an female forum there, articles and about any weight exercise you can think of. it'll tell you the proper way to lift or do each exercise.
    it is important to remember that your body needs carbs. at least 50% of your daily calorie intake should come from carbs..otherwise your body will catabolize muscle for glucose. and remember protein doesnt build muscle..exercise and calories do. and the type of exercise you do to build muscle is resistance training. to grow muscle you need to make sure you progress. meaning lift more and more, not just the same weight all the time. increases in strength typically indicate increase in muscle mass.
  • deemarie12
    Thanks for the advice. So are you saying protien isnt a big deal, cause I thought I would have to add alot more protien to my diet.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Read the book The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno
  • Rayjewls
    Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
    weight training is very good if your trying to lose weight. The more muscle you build the more fat you burn. I lift four days a week monday and wed. I work my arms. Tue. And thurs. I work my legs. Before I start lifting I always get in 30-45 min of cardio. Elliptical and treadmill on my arm days splitting the time in half. And bike, stairs and row on my leg days. You can switch it up the way you feel comfortable. Doing cardio last or changing the exercises for different days...stairs on the leg day is pretty hard.:noway: I think a balanced diet is the best for nutrition...just watch your carbs at the dinner meal, just stay in your calorie allotment and eat half of your exercise calories you burn. Try it and tell me what you think...add me.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    For clean eating, try just shopping on the perimeter of your grocery store. That's where all the cleaner foods will be. With clean eating if it was more than one or two "ingredients" it's not clean. So nothing, canned, boxed,etc. As for weight training, protien is important. As long as your getting enough protein and pushing heavy enough weights, your body will burn fat instead of muscle. Also, protein will keep you fuller longer, so less snacking on junk....hopefully :) Just a thought, if protein wasn't that important to building muscle, the why do bodybuilders eat massive amounts?
  • deemarie12
    Thanks for the tips guys. This is really helpful.