Wii Fit

So, I am a home body. Any exercise I can do while home is great for me. I recently found my Wii Fit board (that was shoved under the couch). What is your opinion on using it as a form of exercise?

I have the Wii Fit Plus, so I can make my own work out plan based on what my target areas are. In the morning I did that for 40 minutes and at night I just played for the fun of it. I'd love to hear your opinions.



  • MamaGoos
    MamaGoos Posts: 25 Member
    I think it provides a great work out. It's fun and sometimes challenging and my kids like to get in on it.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    My parents have it so I tried while visiting them for the holidays. I personally hated it, but if you like it go for it! The exercises are very short so I spent a lot of time just standing there picking the next exercise. I also burned very few calories even after spending 45 minutes on it- I literally could have burned four times as much at the gym. However, of course it is better than nothing- any exercise is good exercise! If you're looking for something that's a better workout, I would highly recommend the wii EA active games. You can create your own workouts so if you need to start slow it will work around your needs.
  • Tiffaney82690
    I have used it as well :) its fun and actually gives a nice work out

    I lost my first 7 pounds playing just dance for wii an hour a day lol
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I lost the first 40 pounds using it. It's been a while but i plan on using it again. I did mostly kickboxing and cardio.
  • oh_mg
    oh_mg Posts: 35 Member
    I started at 345 lbs. and my first weight loss goal was to lose enough weight that I could use the Wii Fit (the max capacity is 330 lbs.). Between that and walking, I lost my first 50 lbs. in no time! Some of the exercises are more challenging/better calorie burners than others, but all in all, I think it's great. I still use it from time to time when the weather isn't great for outdoor exercising. My favorite activities are Skateboarding, Rhythm Boxing, and the Rhythm Parade!
  • luvmybaby333
    I use it almost every day. :smile:

    I"m pretty overweight and out of shape... So I end up burning about 200 calories for 30 minutes of activity. (Depending on which activities I choose, of course.) My daily routine tends to involve rhythm boxing, super hula hoop, advanced step, and the parade thingy. It gets me moving, so I have nothing but great things to say about it.
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    It's probably more fun; but nothing can replace real cardio and endurance that you get from the treadmill or better yet; running outside.

    Here's something that you can also do from home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YnqibvUD14
  • bobbin1
    I actually like the wii fit and think any kind of exercise you do is better than none. I also have the zumba for wii and love it. You really get a good work out with it and it is fun.
  • threasarenee
    threasarenee Posts: 78 Member
    I like my Wii fit Plus especially the hula hoops, but I LOVE the Just Dance for the Wii. Dont know how much they really burn, but they are FUN and do burn calories!
  • Ashes51113
    Thankfully on my Wii if you make your fitness plan and choose your target areas there's not much standing around while choosing what to do next. If there was I'd get bored and end up just running up and down stairs (which I do occationally anyways). :smile:
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    I LOVE my Wii Fit Plus! Honestly, it helped motivate me to start exercising after being told by my doc that I needed to bring down my cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The Wii Fit programs make exercising fun! I've not been able to use mine for awhile now due to an injury and I really miss it (I've been using a recumbent stationary bike instead).
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I like my Wii Fit Plus - I think for toning, Yoga is a great activity and, even though it's hard to watch the screen and hold the pose at the same time, it's the only "trainer" I can afford right now. For cardio, the Hubs and I love playing tennis in the Wii Sports game. We adore Tiger Woods PGA 12 also. We played that for 3 hours while doing laundry today, and the time just flew.

    That said, cleaning house vigorously for 40 minutes burns more calories. It has to be done so it's a nice reward to get exercise credit for cleaning, but the Wii is more fun. :-)
  • luvmybaby333
    It's probably more fun; but nothing can replace real cardio and endurance that you get from the treadmill or better yet; running outside.

    Here's something that you can also do from home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YnqibvUD14

    Actually, at this point it isn't a barrel of giggles. I'm not getting on it because it's a blast. In fact, I absolutely *hate* Super Hula Hoop, but I know it is a workout for >me<, so I force myself to do it. Running outside is fine for people who are at that level of fitness. But cardio is cardio. If it makes you sweat and shortens your breath, then it is effective. For healthier people, the Wii Fit Plus won't accomplish that. Of course, those people probably aren't the types of individuals who would seek to use the Wii Fit as a serious source of exercise. But there are many others than do.
  • modgirlrachel
    modgirlrachel Posts: 44 Member
    I think it's really fun, and it can be hard too! It's good for people who aren't confident in exercising yet or don't want to go outside or to a gym. Eventually you'll have to add in some other exercise but it's fine for now. My mum loves hers :)
  • Ashes51113
    It's probably more fun; but nothing can replace real cardio and endurance that you get from the treadmill or better yet; running outside.

    Here's something that you can also do from home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YnqibvUD14

    Actually, at this point it isn't a barrel of giggles. I'm not getting on it because it's a blast. In fact, I absolutely *hate* Super Hula Hoop, but I know it is a workout for >me<, so I force myself to do it. Running outside is fine for people who are at that level of fitness. But cardio is cardio. If it makes you sweat and shortens your breath, then it is effective. For healthier people, the Wii Fit Plus won't accomplish that. Of course, those people probably aren't the types of individuals who would seek to use the Wii Fit as a serious source of exercise. But there are many others than do.

    Super Hula Hoop kicks my butt! The only running I can do is the jogging in place on the Wii at this point. Running outside is too much for me and walking doesn't do anything for me. The Wii's daily routine I have makes me feel accomplished exercise-wise. I work up a sweat and can feel my heart pumping.
  • reneeileen
    reneeileen Posts: 455 Member
    Wii Fit was what got me moving in the beginning. I didn't lose much weight because I wasn't really watching my diet but it was an important first step that got me comfortable moving on to more challenging work outs. If you have Netflix you can also set up Netflix streaming on your Wii and stream work out dvds too. That was another great tool for me in the beginning too.
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
  • almaster666
    almaster666 Posts: 52 Member
    It's probably more fun; but nothing can replace real cardio and endurance that you get from the treadmill or better yet; running outside.

    Here's something that you can also do from home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YnqibvUD14

    Actually, at this point it isn't a barrel of giggles. I'm not getting on it because it's a blast. In fact, I absolutely *hate* Super Hula Hoop, but I know it is a workout for >me<, so I force myself to do it. Running outside is fine for people who are at that level of fitness. But cardio is cardio. If it makes you sweat and shortens your breath, then it is effective. For healthier people, the Wii Fit Plus won't accomplish that. Of course, those people probably aren't the types of individuals who would seek to use the Wii Fit as a serious source of exercise. But there are many others than do.

    I'll agree with that. The most important thing is to break a sweat everyday and for a decent amount of time.
    What I was getting at is that there are no shortcuts... At some point, you gotta start hitting cardio hard. I personally hate running outside but I know it's the only way that I'll burn large amounts of calories/fat.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Its good when you first get the game! It awsome to unlock the different levels on most of the activities, but then it gets soooo boring! Well i find it boring anyway - but thats just me! I only like jogging, and the hula hooping on there! Zumba is by far the best fitness game out for the wii! Super awsome workout =D
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I love it.

    It's great when I have friends round too, we all have a giggle watching each other.