Scared of getting a tummy tongue!!

Morning all, firstly i started my journey 4 weeks ago at 452 lbs, i have worked hard with cardio , nutrition and weight lifting, and have managed 46lb loss in my first 4 weeks, but im worried if i keep up the hard work i will end up with a tummy tongue (the tongue shaped bottom of the stomach), can anyone suggest some exercises to tighten this as i go along my journey :)

sw - 452 lb
cw - 406 lb
gw - 280 lb


  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Morning all, firstly i started my journey 4 weeks ago at 452 lbs, i have worked hard with cardio , nutrition and weight lifting, and have managed 46lb loss in my first 4 weeks, but im worried if i keep up the hard work i will end up with a tummy tongue (the tongue shaped bottom of the stomach), can anyone suggest some exercises to tighten this as i go along my journey :)

    sw - 452 lb
    cw - 406 lb
    gw - 280 lb

    I started at a little 300 pounds 4 years ago. You want to give your skin time to catch up. For starters, I wouldn't even do cardio. There is nothing wrong with walking. While you want fat loss, you don't want RAPID fat loss. Your focus should be nutrition, weight lifting, and then "cardio" walking.

    Granted you may have to resort to surgery to get rid of some skin. Regardless it's going to take time, if you do it right.