would you tell or not?



  • borgi77
    You could call her and pretend it is someone else then ask her what she would do, so then you can tell her or not tell her based on what she would do. I personally think it depends on the situation, it is a tricky one I would tell some friends and some I wouldn't. One of my friends heard lots of rumours about her bf and lots of people told her he cheated , I saw him cheat never told her as I didn't think it would make any difference in the end she saw him cheat so she had to actually see it to believe it whereas if I told I just think it would of opened a can of worms for me.
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    Having an account on a datingsite does not mean he actually cheated on her yet!

    That is the silliest comment, why else would this person be on the site, he may not of cheated YET but that would be the plan ! ! !

    I have been in your situation, my friend's husband was chatting online and was posting close-up shots of his penis....... I blocked him but kept his profile so I could show my friend when I told her, he said on his profile he was single, I too like you lived a long way from my friend so I had to tell her over the phone. You have to tell you friend to protect her from catching something from him if he isn't careful. The question is would you want to be told if it was happening to you. Your friend may react badly and not believe you but at least you know you have tried to help her and I am sure she will be grateful in the end.

    When you phone your friend make sure you both have time to talk on the phone, be calm, be honest and let her know you are there for her in anyway you can help.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Having an account on a datingsite does not mean he actually cheated on her yet!

    He most certainly has.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I think you have to tell her. She probably won't want to hear it, and she probably will hang up on you, but I think she needs to hear it. It would be best if the friend who actually saw it could tell her though.

    I guess there is some website now where you can anonymously send a message saying "your partner is cheating on you."
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Question: Would you want to know, want her to tell you if the situation was reversed?

    If yes, tell her.

    If no, don't.