Any tips on getting rid of the stubborn pregnancy fat?

I've been using MFP for about 9 months now, and have lost 66 pounds, and am currently more than 40 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. I had my daughter almost 11 months ago, and I'm still having problems with certain areas, specifically my upper-inner arms and my lower tummy. Any tips on toning these areas? Thanks in advance! :)


  • thinclo
    thinclo Posts: 164 Member
    I'm glad someone posted this! I seem to be losing inches from everywhere except my waist and lower tummy area after having my daughter and its fustrating! any advice on this would be great :)
  • jbaker1019
    I've lost inches everywhere else as well, but my lower tummy and arm fat doesn't seem to go away.
  • Carebear530
    Carebear530 Posts: 49 Member
    You can't spot reduce but if you are not doing weights I recommend it.
  • irishchica326
    irishchica326 Posts: 6 Member
    That's right, you can't choose where you burn fat. You can tighten your lower abdomen by doing sit-ups, push-ups, and planks. There's a program I found on Pinterest called Fab Ab February and that has made quite a difference on my entire abdomen!
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 674 Member
    I had a c-section and nothing has helped me strengthen my tummy muscles like planks! I agree you can not spot reduce, but planks do help.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Unfortunately you can't spot reduce. The best thing to do is continue to eat right/less, and exercise! Keep your body challenged by incorporating more weights, new routines, more cardio, abdominal exercises such as planks and BURPEES, etc. Belly fat is often very stubborn and will be the last area to stick with it...

    If all else fails and you aren't seeing any results on your own (which I doubt) you can always hire a personal trainer (even for one session). They can give you some tips and devise a workout plan just for you and your needs. And it will be a great way to keep you motivated.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    You can't spot reduce but if you are not doing weights I recommend it.

    I agree. You can't spot reduce :( Your body will decide where it takes the fat from. For me I lose everywhere else, then on my I'll have nice arms, legs, butt.....jiggly belly lol.

    Weights are a VERY important thing to have in your workouts. Lifting weights will help "move" the fat around so your arms or whatever your problem area will look better. So if you're not lifting, I would suggest getting some weights, or going to the gym and beginning a weights routine. You will NOT bulk up and look like a muscle freak! Women CANNOT do that unless they are taking hormones to build muscle. So don't be afraid of the weights! They will help!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    strength training. your legs are powerful muscles, and strengthening them will help you get rid of tummy fat. they are the biggest muscles in your bodies, and getting them strong will make the "hungrier" in a way that they start eating all that excess fat on your tummy.

    go for free weight exercises like deadlifts and squats, because you also use your core to help balance yourself.

    if you have problems getting to the gym with a small child, look into kettle bells. you can buy these very versatile weights and a video to help you train.
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    I know the feeling! My son is almost 6 months old and in the last 42 pounds Ive lost since having him I havent lost ONE inch off my hips/lower belly in...35 POUNDS!!! How does that happen! You dont lose one inch in your belly! Until this website I really thought the only women who could get abs after having children was only super stars :) But I have seen some women on here with abs after babies.

    I have no problem with how my arms, thighs, butt, legs look ONLY my stomach and go figure thats the place I lose NOTHING from. .. Im 5 pounds under my pre pregnancy weight and 10 more pounds to go before Im at my goal weight..maybe sometime in the next 10 lbs I lose some belly fat! Good Luck!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    You're doing great Jess, when you're able to get back into the gym you'll get there! Love and Miss you guys!! (I'm her auntie!) :heart:
  • jbaker1019
    I know that (sadly) I can't spot reduce, I am just looking for ways to tone those areas. I've lost fat all over for the most part, the tummy and upper-inner arms just have seemed to be the last places to go. Thank you for the suggestions on work outs for those areas!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Strength training. Most people focus only on cardio to burn the fat, and it is important, but strength training is incredibly important, and makes all the difference when toning up.
  • Crystler
    What I learned through books, is you need to do curl excersises. And also sleep on your stomach, some of the blown up look will go down when you sleep on your stomach. :) You'll be just fine. It takes time for you muscles to grow back to original state. you will have to do push ups and bent knee sit ups. Goodluck. There is no easy way. Don't try drugs because its not healthy for a woman to resort to that.
  • Hilary75
    Hilary75 Posts: 90 Member
    I am nearly 2 years postpartum after my twins and the rest of my bod seems to have bounced back nicely, all things considered, but my middle is still soft as can be. I noticed I still have a bit of a ridge that pops out when I do any crunch type movements and asked a trainer at my gym about it and she suggested I talk to my Dr. about diastasis recti which is the separation of the rectus abdoninis, the abs that run down the center. I'm now, as of yesterday, working with a physical therapist to correct the diastasis. She cautioned me about doing ab work before repairing the separation bc it could actually make it worse. Bringing the rectus abs back together will help you lose inches and tone up your middle. Ask your Dr. about it or google it and then ask your Dr.