Anyone do Bikram yoga?

Or more specifically, anyone overweight do Bikram Yoga? I'm an anxious person and stress eater. I am fairly active, bootcamp 3x/week, personal training 2x/week and running 3x/week for 30 minutes. I took one yoga class years ago but it wasn't "hot yoga" and it was HARD!

I want to check out Bikram for the stress-relief part and to see if it helps me in other ways. I usually wear capri workout pants and cotton T's. Will I be okay working out in those?

Do you do Bikram? How often? How has it helped you?



  • mikalove2

    I do Bikram Yoga and absolutely love it! No lies, it is HOT and it takes a couple sessions before your body really gets used to the heat but most people will tell you that the heat is not as bad as they thought. Not only is it great for stress but also really works your core in addition to being a great cardio workout...hence all the athletes starting it up!

    The capri workout pants are fine because it is really important to see your legs in the mirrors and work on each posture but if you are comfortable in shorts, they are better. I would not recommend the cotton t because you will be sweating and the shirt will drag. Baggy clothing is no bueno!

    My advice to you...try it! You'll be amazed if you stick with it how much it can really help your weight loss and complement your work outs! Good luck!

    - K
    Mika Yoga Wear