Hello..Newbie here, friends & motivation needed

Hi everyone. Well where do I begin? I have such a low level of motivation I almost go backwards... I hate being the size I am but for some reason my hatred doesnt seem to be enough to keep me motivated. I will do one good day then drift back into my old habits the next day :-( I have lost love with food, I have just sat and eaten 12 jaffa cakes, 1 packet ready salted hula hoops & 1 packet salt & vinegar hula hoops. I just can't be bothered. I have just turned 39 and don't want to be fat & forty in less than 12 months time. I do zumba once a week but when you're not eating healthily in the first place one hour a week of zumba just ain't going to make much of a difference. I walked round the supermarket today not knowing what to get for the weeks shopping, don't really fancy eating anything.

Help & friends needed.


  • xxgemma19xx
    hi, i was the same as you for a start, i loved snacking, which got me to the weight i am, but since using mfp it helps me quite a lot, theres days im not motivated and dont want to do anything or just eat what i want. ive got zumba for my wii, and try to do atleast 45 mins of it everyday,
    give me an add :)
  • jademh
    jademh Posts: 94
    I am a lot like you, I started like you with little motivation but when I worked out steadily for 2-3 weeks last year around this time it became a HABIT :) I hate missing a day although every saturday is my rest day to give my muscles time to recover. As for food, I still struggle :/ but it's a work in progress & believe me this site REALLY helps a lot and made me realize what i was putting into my body. i sent you a request, i can help motivate you & whatnot. :)
  • Claire00175
    Claire00175 Posts: 14 Member
    I was exactly the same. However, after a few weeks at this, I find that I am thinking about what I eat before I even see the calories adding up. It becomes a habit, and after seeing the results, I am motivated by my progress and don't want to go back. Never have I lost as much weight as I have with this so just hang in there, will get easier. I have sent request, that was we can support one another :)
  • RoofieRoof
    RoofieRoof Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks girls xx
  • Julesh964
    Julesh964 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there, I am in the same boat, I am 40 in November and am determined to get to my goal weight...please feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • runningoncinshine
    runningoncinshine Posts: 21 Member
    Please feel free to add me if you'd like. Starting today, don't look back --- only forward. And don't make big goals that are intimidating...start off small and have each day be a goal in itself. Pretty soon, those small goals will be big goals!

    Best of luck to you,

    ~Cindy Lou
    When you have a chance, check out my facebook page. I post daily motivation and health tips that can encourage you, too!

  • cragglecat
    cragglecat Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck. I've been on here for about 6 months and was in a similar position to you. I've got a 6 month old boy which was really the trigger to make me try to change my ways! This site is a great place to get support. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • MonicaH0322
    MonicaH0322 Posts: 21 Member
    I still constantly get cravings all the time that I used to just cave into and dig right in! Takes a lot to kick the habit of going to a drive through because its quick and temporarily satisfying, or eating an entire cheesecake just because it's so tastey. I often think I could just not record the food and pretend like it didn't happen but then I realize I'd just be cheating myself! Once you get going it becomes second nature and your progress will become a big part of your motivation!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    You are absolutely right... You cannot out exercise a bad diet.

    Welcome to MFP. Feel free to friend me, but I warn you, i will get on your case if you eat like crap.