345lbs, heart attack and a stent later here I am



  • itsgood
    itsgood Posts: 85 Member
    On behalf of your family and those who love and care about you, thank you for listening to your wake-up call. A friend of mine had a remarkably similar experience and has done nothing to change. You will NEVER regret taking the steps you are taking! Stay with it!
  • Brandie1029
    Brandie1029 Posts: 183 Member
    Great job! 35 lbs is awesome! Just take it one day at a time and you will get to where you want to be! feel free to add me as a friend! :)
    Dave, my husband did the same on Feb. 14, 2012. Can you tell me how you have your goals set?
  • exzcape
    exzcape Posts: 125 Member
    Great job so far!! Feel free to add me.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Very nice to meet you :) Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration!
  • Dewdrop24
    Dewdrop24 Posts: 32 Member
    Congratulations on your TLC! And way to go for loosing 35lbs already! You are on your way, your family must be proud of you. :)
  • GensGems
    GensGems Posts: 1
    Hi Dave, I am so happy that you have motivation to live, and 3 beautiful girls who love you. What a scary ordeal for your family to endure. Big-time motivation, no doubt! When you are tucking them in bed, give them an extra big hug, and ponder the love and adoration you have for them, and how much you do for them; how much they need you. Promise them that you will be your best self for them, and that they can count on you.

    My husband was only about 35 pounds from his goal when he started having heart attack symptoms that he nor I had heard of. A very short time later he was unconscious. My kids and I were terrified and stunned. He died of a heart attack, in spite of being de-fibbed over 20 times. He had just turned 44. One never knows what that threshold is. Another heart attack could be just one plate of nachos away. My love has only been gone 6 months, and being an only parent is a difficult task. I can tell you that every sacrifice, every step forward, and every effort you make towards being a healthy, happy daddy matters to your family! Any time you feel like slacking, just tell yourself, "I WILL LIVE!" and go just a little further. Every healthy choice you make is a big-time achievement. Woot! Way to go! You rock!
  • mrsgroove
    mrsgroove Posts: 44
    Hey Dave! Welcome. So sorry for what you had to go through with your heart attack and I'm glad you are still here! TLC is tough. My husband got the wake up call from his doctor, fortunately before he had to experience a cardiac event. He started MFP and was so sucessful in the first month I jumped on board too. That's been eight months ago and we haven't looked back. Even through the holidays and some other super stressful events in our family, we have been able to keep it up. I look forward to seeing around the boards and would love to be added as a friend for you. You are highly motivated because of your beautiful family and I'm would love watching you rock this thing! GO DAVE GO!!!!!