When Friends don't eat healthy

Ok so last night my good friend came round for my bday and she's not the healthiest of eaters, so along with the Margaritas she brought chips, guacamole, queso dip, salsa, and several chocolate cakes, it was so thoughtful of her to do this but I really didn't want to eat all that crap, I had some chips with guacamole and salsa and said "ok no more chips for me" I could tell she got upset and I almost felt guilty like I should eat all this **** even though I didn't want to, I even bought light margarita mix for myself, and when I asked her to use it I could tell that upset her with her comments. The cakes sat there all night until she finally ate one, I really didn't want one, I honestly didn't want it so I said I would eat some tomorrow. When I got up this morning I noticed she took all the cakes with her, I feel bad but should I? would you?


  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    Well, from the look of your profile picture (You look AMAZING! Congrats!) it's no secret that you eat well & work out. Does your friend know about your healthy lifestyle? Is she insecure or unhealthy? Sometimes people want you to be in the same boat as them. If they're not healthy then they deeply don't want you to be happy. Even if they're not aware of their sabotage it can still happen. I think you did the right thing standing your ground. You have a goal & you know what you want. You know what it takes to get there. The only thing I might would have done is try to talk to her about why you don't want to eat the food right then. She might have understood & she might not have just depending on the type of person she is. But no, I would not feel guilty. It's YOUR body, YOUR life, YOUR goals. You are the one who would have felt like crap the next day & wondered why you gave in. I'm not sure what your story is, but a big part of how I got overweight & unhealthy to begin with was having an overweight family & not saying no to people. "Oh just ONE cupcake, it's my birthday." or "Come on, it's a girls night out! Order the cheese dip!" *sigh* I'm not the same person now & I won't apologize for it.
  • That's really tough. I also have a birthday coming up. I find myself paying more attention to people who do have a healthy lifestyle
    and how they deal with it. They seem to have a variety of techniques.....I'm thinking for my birthday to just head it off at the pass, so to speak. Anticipate before the event. I'm thinking of maybe bringing a cake to work (not eating any - everyone else will eat it) and then I have a "friend" event where we are celebrating several birthdays. We are going out to eat, so I look up the restaurant and plan accordingly as to what I can or want to eat within my calorie range.

    As I've gotten older, I gradually have let go of the eating binge for recreation. Sometimes I just have to tell friends "I can't eat that much anymore." That usually works.
  • would you?

    No, and pretty well all of my friends eat horriby (and it shows, but thats their choice). I know it's hard not to want to hurt their feelings, but they are considered cr*p pushers and I simply won't cave.
  • That's tough. MOST of my friends are healthy eaters, so I don't face that often. I honestly don't know what I'd do. I'm the type who would eat it to make her happy, but I can't imagine forcing down garbage. Sorry. I hope she isn't mad.
  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks for the comments, she knows I'm into healthy eating and just because it was my birthday doesn't mean you have to eat ****, that's not fun for me I'd rather eat a nice yummy healthy food
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    I think she should have asked you what you'd like to eat on your birthday.
  • if u're not having fun, dun do it.

    but if it was mine, it's not wrong to eat what she brought. call it 'cheat day'. just take a pinch of the cake and say thank you for her effort.