When Friends don't eat healthy

Ok so last night my good friend came round for my bday and she's not the healthiest of eaters, so along with the Margaritas she brought chips, guacamole, queso dip, salsa, and several chocolate cakes, it was so thoughtful of her to do this but I really didn't want to eat all that crap, I had some chips with guacamole and salsa and said "ok no more chips for me" I could tell she got upset and I almost felt guilty like I should eat all this **** even though I didn't want to, I even bought light margarita mix for myself, and when I asked her to use it I could tell that upset her with her comments. The cakes sat there all night until she finally ate one, I really didn't want one, I honestly didn't want it so I said I would eat some tomorrow. When I got up this morning I noticed she took all the cakes with her, I feel bad but should I? would you?


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    You shouldn't feel bad at all. No one can make you eat something you don't want to.

    I have taken back food from parties when no one has eaten it, not out of spite, but because it saves me thinking of another meal later on. It's practical, not defensive!

    It's your body, and only you should decide what you put in it.
  • i eat with my coworkers all the time..im the only one who ever has a healthy meal on me . some of my family eats healthy and the other half doesnt..none of my friends are health fanatics....ive grown accustomed to it.. i came to realize that i have to worry about me.. usually when i go to a friends house i bring my own food or i plan to eat what they have .. sometimes i just watch what i eat when im at someones house and use it as a indulgant day
  • You shouldnt feel bad , and she should'nt be upset...she , hopefully as your friend should respect that you are choosing a healthier life-style , just like you accept that shes not the healthiest eater...

    You are doing great, keep up the great work..
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Never feel bad!

    Any friend who makes you feel bad for not eating junk isn't much of a friend to begin with.
  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks guys, and yes she knows I eat healthy so she shouldn't have brought all that food round, just because its your birthday doesn't mean "oh ok lets eat crap"
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Thanks guys, and yes she knows I eat healthy so she shouldn't have brought all that food round, just because its your birthday doesn't mean "oh ok lets eat crap"
    She knows you eat healthy - that's the key. If someone didn't know, I "might" feel bad turning down the goodies, but when someone knows you're working out, eating better, etc. then I would not feel bad at all!
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    First .. kudos to you for that awesome will power! I kinda deal w/this with my husband ..he doesn't eat well & goes on about how delicious his un-healthy food is.. I know he's not thinking and its not intentional but its annoying just the same.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    No, you should not feel bad. If you have told her what your goals are, and she still brought the food, don't worry about it. That's on her.

    Personally, my birthday is next week. Yes, I do intend on having a little cake and ice cream, but I also plan on going to an indoor trampoline park to do some crazy fun activity that also happens to burn a lot of calories. I try to get my friends involved with new aspects of my lifestyle so they are included, but also the physical activity lets me get away with more things with nutrition that I might not get away with otherwise.

    It's going to be fun, and I can't wait!
  • gerirojas
    gerirojas Posts: 101 Member
    Have a great time
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I had to severe connections with old friends.
    That be extreme for some, but not to others here who are like me. I just can't be around others who are fat and getting fatter. I'll join right in. Sometimes we need to close those doors.
    Nature abhors a vacuum, so expect that other like-mined people will fill that void.
    Like attracts like.

    My fat friends all were threatened by my weight loss and new healthy lifestyle - very jealous! They seethed with envy.
    And every chance they got to get me to stray, they did.

    No more of that!
    I have new friends on the same page with a common interest in health and fitness.

    Life is GREAT fit - miserable fat, and I don't miss the old crowd one bit.
  • I honestly would feel bad. I take my birthday off and enjoy it with the people I care about. So if they did something for me that they thought would make me happy or I used to enjoy with them I just join in on the fun.

    Eating healthy is supposed to improve the quality of life - not take away from it.
  • Crimson21
    Crimson21 Posts: 148 Member
    First .. kudos to you for that awesome will power! I kinda deal w/this with my husband ..he doesn't eat well & goes on about how delicious his un-healthy food is.. I know he's not thinking and its not intentional but its annoying just the same.

    My ex bf was exactly the same. He didn't know how to cook, he never ate breakfast, and everything he ate was from a box. He didn't understand the concept of eating healthy and got frustrated when I complained. It was one of the many reasons I broke up with him.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    UGH enablers!! It drives me nuts when people who know that you are working so hard to succeed try and put temptation in front of you. My parents...who started me on this wanted to take me & my fam out to eat...I suggested places I knew were decent. They decided on Chili's....I used to LOVE Chili's...but now I avoid it like the PLAGUE!! You can't get out of there without having congestive heart failure!! I was not happy with it, but went along. BUT I sat there in front of them with my menu in one hand and my iphone in the other going through the options aloud on MFP. I flaunt my good choices. This is my addiction....don't put temptation in front of me. Now, I am strong enough to turn it down. Just let her know that you are thankful that she thought of you, but remind her that you are trying to eat better and need her support.
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    I agree with everyone. If she new ahead of time that you were trying to eat healthy, she should have thought, hey, she wants healthy food, why don't I bring whole wheat chips and a relish tray. kudos too for not going crazy, you are a better woman than me. My will power is crazy non exsistant. I have the same issue with people at work that everyone else has except, I am sit at work and people leave. They bring in food every monday that they bought over the weekend that they don't want sitting in their house. And its all crap!! Chips, cupcakes, pastas....GAH!! And they all know I am trying to stay healthy through my pregnancy and yet...they still bring it in. I would like to shove back in their face. Then they get up set with me when I take it and put it away or throw it away. Hey...no one was eating it, why should I stare at it...? Talk to your friend about it and get things straightened out. You don't want this to cause a gap between you when it sounds like a misunderstanding.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 462 Member
    I used to have the same issue with my roommate. Mexican food and margaritas and all sorts of fattening pastas at home... well she has gotten motivated and I got her on this site and things have changed for the better. We don't have that crap at home anymore and both are eating a lot healthier. Since new years I have lost 10 and she has lost 8... it's good motivations.

    I remember reading an article about how the people that you surround yourself with can make you fat. I totally believe it!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Was she aware that you are strictly eating healthy? If not, then it probably would have been nice to give her a head's up before she shopped/cooked for you. If she spent money on foods it was natural for her to expect you to appreciate and eat, then perhaps an polite but appreciative apology for not letting her know in advance is in order.

    If she was aware and brought them anyway, then there's really no reason she should have brought them and no reason you should feel bad for not eating them.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Don't feel bad for not eating the crap, but don't think your friend is satan (I know you didn't say that) because she brought over junk food. If she's a dear friend, she probably feels bad and humiliated herself because she did bring over the junk food, when she should have known better.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I have this problem with my husband!!!

    Dear hubby, thank you so much for thinking of me when you saw those pizza rolls. Yes, they are my favourite.

    Please don't ever buy them again :)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I honestly would feel bad. I take my birthday off and enjoy it with the people I care about. So if they did something for me that they thought would make me happy or I used to enjoy with them I just join in on the fun.

    Eating healthy is supposed to improve the quality of life - not take away from it.

    I take the day off from logging for occasions like this.

    As an example....my kids birthdays are literally a week apart. I did workout on those days, but I sure in the hell had some cake. I just made sure I could work it in for the day. I don't want them to be sad and wonder why mom isn't having b-day cake.

    Although, I did bring leftover cake to work and left it in the breakroom. Muahahahahahaha lol :laugh:
  • sherryd527
    sherryd527 Posts: 17 Member
    Talk to her. It will be a little uncomfortable at first but you'll both feel better. :wink: