So tired...will this get better?



  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Walking with strollers is in the MFP database, hehe. Your older kids might even have fun joining you.
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    Sugar intake affects energy levels. I see several sugary foods on your list including the yogurt. Have you had your blood sugar levels and thyroid checked? I have worked with clients that had blood sugar affected by pregnanacy. There is even diabetes that is brought on by pregnancy and then on average goes away some time after the birth.
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    Sugar intake affects energy levels. I see several sugary foods on your list including the yogurt. Have you had your blood sugar levels and thyroid checked? I have worked with clients that had blood sugar affected by pregnanacy. There is even diabetes that is brought on by pregnancy and then on average goes away some time after the birth.

    Plain nonfat yogurt, in the amount that I eat, has three grams of sugar so I don't think that's it. The majority of my sugar intake comes from fruits and veggies, the menu I posted is pretty typical sans the mocha and cookie, stress and on the road eating brought that little binge on.

    I have not had my blood sugar checked lately but I have never experienced gestational diabetes (the form that has an onset during pregnancy) with any of my children. Thyroid is a possibility, and I am going to make an appointment next week to have that checked.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I honestly think that it's less "diet" and more your basic "life" right now that's making you tired sweetie. With everything that you have going on - you HAVE to feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. While breastfeeding may not burn as many calories as we'd like to think - there are more things going on than we really know. You know all those images of peaceful mothers breastfeeding their children? They're not peaceful... they're TIRED! They're just happy to have a moment to sit! LOL! Seriously... you need to find a good support system to give you some time to recharge your battery.

    I co-slept with my son as well and I have to tell you that it's a decision that I would not have changed for anything. I think he is more emotionally stable because of it. No crib could have ever provided the emotional support that I could.

    Maybe for now you need to take the "anything is better than nothing" attitude towards exercise. Instead of trying to schedule yet one more thing in your day - start taking advantage of whatever time you DO have.... a 10 minute walk around the block is better than nothing. A couple squats at the sink while you're doing dishes - is better than nothing. Wear ankle weights while you sweep the floors... it's better than nothing.

    The fact is that you're in a tough time in your life right now (tougher than most of us will ever have to know...) and you will come through it. It may take you a little longer to reach your goal weight - but at least you'll know that you spent every minute that you could with your babies. That's my philosophy anyway. I'm not saying to be unhealthy- just to be as healthy as you can and to be kind to yourself.
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    I honestly think that it's less "diet" and more your basic "life" right now that's making you tired sweetie. With everything that you have going on - you HAVE to feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. While breastfeeding may not burn as many calories as we'd like to think - there are more things going on than we really know. You know all those images of peaceful mothers breastfeeding their children? They're not peaceful... they're TIRED! They're just happy to have a moment to sit! LOL! Seriously... you need to find a good support system to give you some time to recharge your battery.

    I co-slept with my son as well and I have to tell you that it's a decision that I would not have changed for anything. I think he is more emotionally stable because of it. No crib could have ever provided the emotional support that I could.

    Maybe for now you need to take the "anything is better than nothing" attitude towards exercise. Instead of trying to schedule yet one more thing in your day - start taking advantage of whatever time you DO have.... a 10 minute walk around the block is better than nothing. A couple squats at the sink while you're doing dishes - is better than nothing. Wear ankle weights while you sweep the floors... it's better than nothing.

    The fact is that you're in a tough time in your life right now (tougher than most of us will ever have to know...) and you will come through it. It may take you a little longer to reach your goal weight - but at least you'll know that you spent every minute that you could with your babies. That's my philosophy anyway. I'm not saying to be unhealthy- just to be as healthy as you can and to be kind to yourself.

    Wow, I hope I didn't sound like I was whining!!! I was suprised when I read that you think I'm having a tough time in my life. I've never looked at it like that, lol.

    I'm busy but I so love my job, so love the kids I get to work with through volunteering, so love our parenting style, and am so proud of my hubby, I really don't consider this a tough time for us. I appreciate everything you are saying and can see how you might have gotten that impression but really, this is just a little more hectic time in our happy life.

    I'm going to do some praying and serious consideration about how I prioritize. If I don't start making room in my life for real fitness now, when will I? I really feel strongly that I have to do this, for my family and for me, I can't be busy with them if I am so overweight that my health starts to fail. I do think getting in some extra movements when I am able will help.

    I'm going to try to get an extra hour of sleep and I am going to wean off diet coke instead of going cold turkey. Thanks so much for all of your thoughtful encouragement!!:flowerforyou:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I honestly think that it's less "diet" and more your basic "life" right now that's making you tired sweetie. With everything that you have going on - you HAVE to feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders. While breastfeeding may not burn as many calories as we'd like to think - there are more things going on than we really know. You know all those images of peaceful mothers breastfeeding their children? They're not peaceful... they're TIRED! They're just happy to have a moment to sit! LOL! Seriously... you need to find a good support system to give you some time to recharge your battery.

    I co-slept with my son as well and I have to tell you that it's a decision that I would not have changed for anything. I think he is more emotionally stable because of it. No crib could have ever provided the emotional support that I could.

    Maybe for now you need to take the "anything is better than nothing" attitude towards exercise. Instead of trying to schedule yet one more thing in your day - start taking advantage of whatever time you DO have.... a 10 minute walk around the block is better than nothing. A couple squats at the sink while you're doing dishes - is better than nothing. Wear ankle weights while you sweep the floors... it's better than nothing.

    The fact is that you're in a tough time in your life right now (tougher than most of us will ever have to know...) and you will come through it. It may take you a little longer to reach your goal weight - but at least you'll know that you spent every minute that you could with your babies. That's my philosophy anyway. I'm not saying to be unhealthy- just to be as healthy as you can and to be kind to yourself.

    Wow, I hope I didn't sound like I was whining!!! I was suprised when I read that you think I'm having a tough time in my life. I've never looked at it like that, lol.

    I'm busy but I so love my job, so love the kids I get to work with through volunteering, so love our parenting style, and am so proud of my hubby, I really don't consider this a tough time for us. I appreciate everything you are saying and can see how you might have gotten that impression but really, this is just a little more hectic time in our happy life.

    I'm going to do some praying and serious consideration about how I prioritize. If I don't start making room in my life for real fitness now, when will I? I really feel strongly that I have to do this, for my family and for me, I can't be busy with them if I am so overweight that my health starts to fail. I do think getting in some extra movements when I am able will help.

    I'm going to try to get an extra hour of sleep and I am going to wean off diet coke instead of going cold turkey. Thanks so much for all of your thoughtful encouragement!!:flowerforyou:

    No! No! No! I didn't think you were whining! Not at all! And maybe "tough" was the wrong word - it doesn't sound like there's anything "wrong" with your life - just that you have a lot to deal with. You have a husband who is not at home right now - and not only is he not at home - he's overseas. I know how hard it is for me with one child when my husband goes out of town for 2 weeks. It's an adjustment.
    I homeschool a son who has severe dyslexia. Is it tough? Sometimes... but that doesn't mean I'm not happy. It doesn't mean that I would change anything about it. But sometimes that means that I can't be as regimented in my schedule as I would like. I guess where I was coming from is that I remember when my son was little and I would talk about wanting to lose weight and eat healthier. Some people would tell me "you have to make time to exercise". At that time I was a single mom working 2 jobs and trying to be the best mom I could - they didn't understand that most days I did good to "make time" to shower and go to the bathroom - and most of the time I didn't get to do that alone! LOL!
    I admire for all that you're doing and hope that you can find ways to make some small adjustments to find time for you.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    double post... grrrr..... dang computer!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    A few things come to mind for me. Were you this beat before you restricted your calories to 1200-1350? You may not be able to figure that out if you started eating better as soon as your husband left.

    I too have 4 kids and a husband in Iraq, thank goodness mine are all a little older though! I can't even imagine. It's hard enough with mine, I know first hand how hard it can be to do it all and I don't work outside the home.

    I had been eating 1200 caloires for the first few months, then I increased my exercise and BAM, it was like I hit a brick wall. I walked around like a zombie for about a week, so tired mid afternoons I thought I could fall over. My neighbor came to ask me a question one day and asked if I was ok, it was that bad.

    I finaly realized I needed to eat more. I never eat below 1400 calories now, most days 1600-1800 and I feel so much better! Even without exercise you will still lose if you increase your calories, maybe not quite as quickly, but if you feel better, it's worth it!

    Good luck and get a good night's sleep!
  • aymie24
    aymie24 Posts: 227
    I think you may be right about increasing my calories. I was full of energy before I started eating healthier. I have no idea what I was eating before he left, probably 3000 on an average day, to be brutally honest. I just didn't expect to feel this totally dead, I can completely understand the how and why of it, but wasn't expecting it at all.

    A lot of my clients read about how breastfeeding is such a rewarding experience, the bonding is amazing, it's the healthiest thing you can do for your baby, and all of that is 100% true...except, the first six or so weeks can be hell. You're up every hour, your nipples hurt (yes even when you are doing it "right"), your boobs swell up to triple their normal size, you leak all over the place, your baby will poop after, and sometimes during every feeding, no one can feed the baby but you and if you get too far away and the baby can't smell your milk (about 20 feet) they freak out!!!

    I guess I was having the same kind of grand delusions expectant moms have....I thought if I ate better, I'd feel better, and I'd have more energy...and eventually, just like all the good things about breastfeeding, I'm sure that will happen. I just wasn't prepared for the sugar and caffiene withdrawls or the adjustment my body is obviously having to make.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Increase your calories and make sure you take care of yourself. You are no good to your kids if you can't function! You'll still lose and look smokin' hot by the time your husband comes home.
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    I agree that you should increase your calorie intake. I also have 4 kids - ages 8, 4, 20 months, and 8 weeks. It's CRAZY around here all the time. My DH works loooong hours, so it's always mommy to the rescue lol. He can't even help in the middle of the night b/c he works so much.

    Anyway, I can understand where you're coming from. It's indeed draining. There is no way right now that I can fit in more than 15 minutes of exercise at one time. It just doesn't happen. I'm lucky if I get 10 full minutes. But There are things I am doing through the day to help. Like when I am walking the baby or just walking in general I squeeze my abs. If I am cooking dinner I jog in place. I just make sure I move extra all the time. Lemme tell you though, it's working. I've lost 3 inches in 4weeks from my hips. That is all I'm measuring right now since they're massive LOL. I was eating 1200 cals a day too and I felt like I was dragging, so I now eat anywhere between 1400 - 1600. Sometimes I go a lil over, but no more than 1800 and that is on a good exercise day.

    I hope you find what works for you. Good luck hunny, you are a busy mommy...give yourself a break. :flowerforyou: