missing my bestie who was my fitness pal.


I am a 29 year old professional wife and mom of two....a 6 yr old son and 2.5 year old daughter. I am always on the go and constantly tired. I have always appeared lean but spanks are my saving grace. I want to feel strong and not sluggish....I want to lose my stress induced mommy pouch. My best friend has always worked out and lost weight with me but she moved away and I am left to my own devices. I am 144 lbs and looked my best at 138 lbs...so that is my current goal. I have some family coming in to town may 3rd and so many events to attend this summer....it is time to retrain my internal clock to not eat the doritos and jump on the treadmill in my basement,
I am hoping someone is a working gal like me and can help push me to workout everyday. Also, help me plan easy meals...instead of mcdonalds on the way home from work.
Someone please be my new workout bestie!


  • Innerautumn
    Innerautumn Posts: 120 Member
    I am also a working mom. I'm a teacher with three kids of my own. My husband works a lot so I often feel like a single mom. It's hard to make time for myself but it now is the time. I'd love to be your buddy!