exercising with little results



  • nutandbutter
    Then read the lyle mcdonald article posted above (bodyrecomposition.com) and be patient. It's just going to take time. Remember, you are losing inches so you are getting results.
  • jaguar101570
    I don't know who leangains is, I can make a webpage too. Last year I increased my eating from 2 /day to 6/day and went with the numbers that I gave her and I lost 65 lbs of fat. I didn't even do cardio or any other exercise as I am disabled in my legs. I am on 240 mg of morphine everyday just so I can walk. I just recently started upper body weight training and I have put on 72 lbs of muscle and I still do no cardio. I lost the weight in about 8 months and I put the muscle on since Sept. 2011. I have the pictures to prove it. My body fat is at 8.8 % . That is no myth, I proved it in real life!!!
  • jaguar101570
    And timing on eating is everything . Have you ever read about the intake of protein during protein synthesis. That is when lean muscle mass is formed.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I don't know who leangains is, I can make a webpage too. Last year I increased my eating from 2 /day to 6/day and went with the numbers that I gave her and I lost 65 lbs of fat. I didn't even do cardio or any other exercise as I am disabled in my legs. I am on 240 mg of morphine everyday just so I can walk. I just recently started upper body weight training and I have put on 72 lbs of muscle and I still do no cardio. I lost the weight in about 8 months and I put the muscle on since Sept. 2011. I have the pictures to prove it. My body fat is at 8.8 % . That is no myth, I proved it in real life!!!

    At first I was :indifferent:, but then I was :laugh:.
  • nutandbutter
    I don't know who leangains is, I can make a webpage too. Last year I increased my eating from 2 /day to 6/day and went with the numbers that I gave her and I lost 65 lbs of fat. I didn't even do cardio or any other exercise as I am disabled in my legs. I am on 240 mg of morphine everyday just so I can walk. I just recently started upper body weight training and I have put on 72 lbs of muscle and I still do no cardio. I lost the weight in about 8 months and I put the muscle on since Sept. 2011. I have the pictures to prove it. My body fat is at 8.8 % . That is no myth, I proved it in real life!!!


    Here's one of the actual studies it referenced. I'm going to guess you didn't read that article at all and probably won't look at the above study either. LOL at putting on 72 lbs of muscle since 2011. I don't do cardio either. Not sure why you brought it up. I was only dispelling your 6 meals a day myth.

    And is your avi you at 8.8 %. If so, lolololololol. Here's another site for you to ignore:

  • jaguar101570

    I can find websites to back what I am saying too. Would you like to see video of me measuring by body fat. I own a caliper, do you? What is your body fat. I am not the one trying to lose weight here, you are. I accomplished it!
  • jaguar101570
    And I am not hiding why don't you put your picture on? What are you afraid of?
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    There has been a lot said on this subject. Here are some thing I think are important.

    - The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns.
    - Strength training is important because it helps you build muscle that will burn extra calories.
    - Muscle is more dense than fat, so losing inches without losing weight means more muscle and less fat.
    - Cardio workouts burn calories and improve cardiovascular health. Use cardio to create a calorie deficit of to be healthy.
    - The "fat burn" range in a workout will burn a highest percentage of fat. If you take 2 exercise routines being performed for 30 minutes each, one in the fat burn heart rate range and the other at a higher heart rate range, you will burn more fat in the higher heart rate range simply because you will burn more overall calories.
    - Interval cardio training is the best cardio workout for overall health and stamina.

    I've been a gym rate for over 10 years, read many books, taken classes and spoken to many different people on the subject. Given all that, every body in unique and will have it's own nuances.
  • jaguar101570
    Look in my photo's here is a doctor statement for what my weight was in sept 2011. I was in a body in a body transformation contest sponsored by Max Muscle. I have all kinds of documentation, do you? I can back up what I say! Take the challenge!
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member

    I can find websites to back what I am saying too. Would you like to see video of me measuring by body fat. I own a caliper, do you? What is your body fat. I am not the one trying to lose weight here, you are. I accomplished it!

    I also lol at 8.8% I for one would love to see your video. When you use a caliper to measure you have to do three spots (seven is even more accurate), and why no pictures without a shirt (what are you hiding) it's hard to judge bf% by fatcepts alone.

    this is where your bf% is at?

  • jaguar101570
    I know how to measure it. I do it every week. I don't typically take off my shirt , first of all because my wife would get pissed and second I don't find it appropriate. I am wearing a tight enough shirt to prove my point. Come on , let's see your picture.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member

    I can find websites to back what I am saying too. Would you like to see video of me measuring by body fat. I own a caliper, do you? What is your body fat. I am not the one trying to lose weight here, you are. I accomplished it!

    I find it interesting that the person above linked to an actual scientific research study. One of many I may add. You link to an opinion piece.

    There are several studied done recently on meal timing and all of them point to the same thing, when you eat does not matter. They did everything from one meal a day to several meals a day. In 2007 Stote et al in the A Journal of Clinical Nutrition http://www.ajcn.org/content/85/4/981.abstract?ijkey=6ff83cee7da2101afdc159e7f8dd1a61a4d9f746&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha did a study of people half the group eating one meal a day (dinner in early eveing). The other half did three meals a day. After the test time they let the whole group eat as they normally would for 11 weeks to normalize their eating pattern, then the switch the groups around. The study time was 8 weeks, and they were eating enough to maintain their body weight. The results, 3 meals a day no change in weight. 1 meal a day lost 3 pounds and an average of 4.6 pounds of fat (probably because it is difficult to eat all your calories in one meal). That is not old science, it is recent. When you eat makes no difference. See also Smeets et al British Journal of Nutrition 2008 finding no metabolic rate change between 2 or 3 meals a day; and Farshchi et al Am Jrnl of Clinical Nutrition 2005 http://www.ajcn.org/content/81/1/3.full using 3, 6 or 9 meals a day again finding no change in metabolic rate.

    The multiple meals a day may help you feel more satisfied, it may, but it will do nothing to significantly increase your calorie burning. I believe the numbers for calories burned for 100 calories of protein is like 10. You would be better off not eating that rather than thinking eating something will help you lose weight.

    As Parks et al say in their article in the Am Jrnl of Clinical Nutrition, "Simply put, the question of whether there is a health benefit from the consumption of multiple small meals will ultimately depend on how much energy is consumed, as opposed to how often or how regularly one eats."

    This is but a sampling. There are more. Meal timing has no effect on metabolism or weight loss. For that matter if what the 5-6 meals a day people said was true about metabolism, people would have died out centuries ago because a slowed metabolism is not helpful for finding food. It is only helpful in times of prolonged starvation.

    Feel free to stick with broscience about meal frequency and metabolism, but the actual studies show differently.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    Look in my photo's here is a doctor statement for what my weight was in sept 2011. I was in a body in a body transformation contest sponsored by Max Muscle. I have all kinds of documentation, do you? I can back up what I say! Take the challenge!

    here I changed my avi for ya, that's 13% and I carry a lot of fat in my back. my wife ain't even mad. still looking for your video.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    I just checked out your diary. It doesn't seem you have been on MFP for long....just since feb 6? Couldnt see any diaries earlier than that. Try changing your nutritional settings to add in sodium. I am willing to et it is trough the roof with the Mexican food and other food choices. I'm definitely no expert though....this is just a thought. Congrats for joining MFP and wanting to get healthier. Good luck.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    "Just because you don't see results afer a day or even a week, don't give up. You may not see changes, but every smart choide you make is affecting you in ways you'd never imagaine. " Got this quote from Pintrest.
  • nutandbutter
    I know how to measure it. I do it every week. I don't typically take off my shirt , first of all because my wife would get pissed and second I don't find it appropriate. I am wearing a tight enough shirt to prove my point. Come on , let's see your picture.

    Done. Keep telling yourself you're at 8%. I'm obviously a woman, and I'm at mid twenties bf. That's why I'm here. I want to get to midteens.

    To the OP: Sorry for all of this. My advice still stands. Be patient, you're making good progress.
  • jaguar101570
    This is my last contribution as my wife says 2 of you are absolutely rediculous. My wife and son do my measurements every week for bodybuilding.com. I know it is hard to see but if you look at my pictures you can see I have 36" pants, I can wear 34" pants but I like baggy clothes. My son and wife are confused as to how you can debate me over these facts but they said my neck makes me look deceiving as I have a 21" neck. I have always done cable lifts with my neck. Even when I was a skinny high school kid my neck was 18".So, I am done , as I have shown I have documentation for everything I say from doctors because I had to for the Max Muscle transformation contest. I just had Jason Young do my measurements and they were 21" neck, 48" chest, 57" shoulders, 18" biceps and 15" forearms, and they checked my body fat %. Dinosnopro, I don't doubt you have 13 % bodyfat, that is really good , you should be proud and I wouldn't debate you over your bodyfat. You can't debate though , I am a lot bigger man than you and it is much more of a challenge to keep my bodyfat low. Especially when I am coming off of a bulking cycle and eating a lot of calories a couple of months ago. You all have a wonderful day and I think it is a shame that I was trying to help this girl and a couple of you turned this post into about me , that is pretty immature. You all have a wonderful day!
  • jaguar101570

    Here , how many more web pages do you want? If you know ANYTHING about nutrition, this article should spur on your common sense.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I agree w/ @agentp1girl You should track your sodium for sure. I've noticed a lot of people focus on deprivation and trying to stay within a caloric goal but what's worked for me (so far) has been to focus on hitting a quota for my nutritional needs.

    When I"m focused on eating 4-5 servings of veggies and 90 grams of protein, then my eating priorities are more about what's good fuel for my body instead of how I can eat some of my former favorite foods in a lower calorie way.

    Judging by your diary entries and your exercise regimen I would guess that your problem is in your diet. Try changing it up to eating healthier foods. Lower your sodium and your carbs. Get more lean protein (less beef, more fish and chicken) and get in more veggies and fruits. See if you don't have a change then.

    And keep your head up! You should be very proud of your accomplishments thus far. I know it's tough when you stop seeing results but stick w/ the journey and I'm sure you'll figure it out soon. :flowerforyou:
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I doubt that it's the exercise doing it. The "fat burning" cardio zone has largely been dispelled as a myth.

    Your problem is much more likely to lie in the kitchen... open your food diary and we'll be able to help.

    ^ this. That's one myth even Jillian Michaels doesn't follow. This explains it:

    The fat-burning zone. Yes, it exists, but it has been misinterpreted. The fat-burning zone is a concept that the body burns a greater amount of fat at lower-intensity aerobic exercise than it does at higher intensities. Actually, the body burns a greater percentage of fat at lower intensities than at higher intensities. At lower intensities the body may burn 50 percent of the calories from fat, while at higher intensities it may only burn 35 percent. But at higher intensities you burn way more total calories—and more fat calories overall—than you do at lower intensities.
    This is why I'm so skeptical of personal trainers. "HIIT is bad for fat loss."

    ^ me too. OP, your trainer is giving you outdated information. I would be really skeptical of anything they say at this point.
    snip...2- some days you only eat twice a day, you need to eat 5-6 times a day.

    ^ also a myth.


    Yes yes yes!! The fat burning cardio stuff is well outdated, you should get yourself a new PT

    A good exercise regime would probably include a couple of resistance sessions a week and a few HIIT.. No need to spend 60 minutes doing low intensity aerobic. Also, your diet will be influencing your weight loss success far beyond your exercise routine.