Jillian Michaels is Overrated



  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I love ripped in 30 and extreme shed and shred. I agree that she doesn't discuss proper form though. And she does get annoying. 30 day shred was good when I was just starting out but I find that way too easy now. When my husband is in the room he says he wants to throw something at the tv if he hears her voice one more time. He's in the hate Jillian club too.
  • I'm not much into doing the same old drab work outs day after day. If you like dancing, I started Zumba... can't really give you any pointers so far but could be something for you to look into. Lots of fast pase long or short work outs. You can switch between several different types of work outs and there are several discus for target areas like tummy and thighs. So far I love it, but I also like to dance. Love that I'm just starting out and I can go at my own pace but as I'm getting better with it I can also step it up.

    Sorry about my spelling, I was typing fast.....
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I love Jillian. She works for me. I burn a good amount of calories doing 30 days shred, and the shed and shred dvds. I like it because of the 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, 1 minute abs per circuit. It just works for me. Oh, and I really want her abs. Everyone will have their own preference on trainers they like best, but I really like her.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I love her dvds---well all of them except the one with the kettlebells and the yoga one ( I don't really care for yoga). I find her very motivating and encouraging. She might be bossy but I think that is her way of showing that she generally cares.

    I know people have their own opinion about her but I know her dvds work---for me anyways. I used her dvds a couple years ago and lost 23 lbs (from 150 lbs to 127 lbs). I just had a baby 6 months ago and since I know her dvds work for me I have used them quite frequently. I have lost ALL my pregnancy weight and a couple more lbs on top of that. My weight fluctuates now between 125-126 and I am hoping to lose a few more and tone up some.

    With that said I think you should at least try it for 2 more weeks and see if your views change. The reason I say that is because I just finished ChaLean Extreme and when I first tried it I decided I didn't like ChaLean after the first workout---because she was too upbeat and I found her annoying. So, I put her dvds away for awhile. A few months later I then decided to retry it, and my opinions were totally opposite. I found her to be motivating and encouraging---just in a different way then Jillian. If I had never retried ChaLean I may have never found out how much I truly enjoy lifting heavy.

    However, I did not like the fact that Jillian came out with diet pills--but I know just to stay away from those.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I really like her dvds, of course I think some are better than others, from your account it just sounds like you're not quite up to that level and your heart is out of shape. I tried to start out just doing 30day shred but I had to work up to it because I was so bad out of shape so I started with walking and stuff at the gym. So I did her 30day shred after that, it was still intense but it was doable and I got results. I have now lost a good amount of weight and lowered my bp since I started working out and I often go to zumba classes 4 days a week, and do targeted toning a few days a week. My favorite videos for cardio and toning would be her killer buns and thighs and shed and shred. I have seen quick results with those. I just had to shelve them for 3 weeks when I got sick but I'm back on them
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I can't stand her, and agree her timing is rubbish and off putting.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I know what you're saying about her attitude. it is hard to get used to. but her workouts have given me amazing results. i was in horrible shape about 6 months ago and with her dvds i have lost 27 lb and i am much stronger and have more muscle definition. so even though her personality isn't the best, the workouts are. you can always mute her, like others mentioned.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    I like her, but I'm shocked that she could be associated with selling diet pills.
  • spookystitches
    spookystitches Posts: 37 Member
    I'm not a big fan of her personality, but I grabbed the 30 day shred just this last week to give me some sort of variety at home for cheap. (I can't get bored with a workout, or I won't do it.) I've started mixing it in a couple times a week just to be something different that I can do at home. So far I like the workouts, and they kick my butt, although I do find I have to watch my form very carefully not to re-injure my knee. Jillian I could do without, but once I know what we're doing I'll turn on the music option. lol
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    she's HOT! if she wasnt, she would be a trainer in Iowa

    Hey now! What' the attitude about Iowa, lol.

    I am starting my second week of 30DS, I know it kicks my *kitten* every day. Whether by coincidence or by the success of the video, I have gone down a pants size in the last week.