

  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I have hated onions for years. I find them to be offensive smelling, they burn my tongue and overpower flavors of many foods... Especially when they are raw. Red onions are by far the worst. If you cook them down they become much milder. I like a faint flavor of onion, and therefore have substituted onion powder in many recipes. I also love garlic - and use it in most dishes... I use what I like. Remember, you are the master of your meals. Put what you like in your recipes. It is an art... Enjoy!!!

    Don Pablo's used to have low carb fajitas that were sauteed with asparagus, zuchini, yellow squash, and I believe mushrooms. I loved getting them. They were served with lettuce wraps instead of flour tortillas. It was a nice change from the normal onion and pepper fajitas. I ate them often.

    Hope this helps.
    KJLIII Posts: 225 Member
    You're not weird - some people just have a problem with them ! ! I have a physical problem with both - if I eat them, I will belch them for hours and hours and HOURS ! ! It is truly horrible ! ! I usually avoid them at all costs ! ! :sick:

    So I do a combination of things - I pick them out of food that's pre-made, or ask for them to be left out (if possible, when eating out). Sometimes you just HAVE to have the onion flavor - esp. in Mexican dishes - and I will chop them in BIG chunks (so I can pick them out) or else use onion powder.

    I think these things have already been posted, but I just wanted you to know you're not alone in that ! ! :flowerforyou:
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I am a complete weirdo, I can't stand to eat peppers or onions! But, it seems every recipe in the world uses one or the other or both for flavour! Any suggestions for substitutions?

    Onions if chopped small enough are not noticeable in any meal IMO. As for peppers, not sure that there are so many recipes that use peppers that you couldnt' simply not eat them.
  • susansims16
    I'm so with you! I hate a lot of veggies- very picky eater!! But I disagree with the one comment that onions and peppers are unimportant. Onions can help prevent scurvy and hot peppers have been known to help fight or prevent colon cancer, stomach cancer and even breast cancer! I have to purée both and put in speghetti sauce or chili! You could even pep up your meatloaf. What's a few minutes extra if it helps prevent cancer! Start with just a little in your sauce and gradually add a little more each time. Taste buds will adapt! I know! Good luck!!
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I feel your pain...it is almost impossible to find packaged meals that do not contain peppers or onions. I have to knock out all nightshades not just peppers (e.g. tomatoes also), which eliminates another big chunk of easy meals. I become ill if peppers have been in contact with my food, so I can't just pick them out.

    You've gotten several good comments about how to handle it if it is a texture issue, and if you have tried it 15 times and still don't like the taste you might never like it. I don't think it's SO important that you need to eat it if you don't like it, just eat something else.

    Batch cooking to make your own onion and pepper free freezer meals is one option for easy meals, or sometimes you can find prepared meats that you can just throw your own preferred veggies in.

    I occasionally have made a separate batch of peppers for the pepper eaters in my house, but the last time I did my throat was closing up a bit so I think that is not a good idea anymore, for me.
  • sailawaykate
    sailawaykate Posts: 126
    Don't eat them?

    Onions are cheap and abundant, thus their use in lots of food. Peppers pack a flavorful punch, and are also fairly easy to access for many areas of the world.

    If it's the flavor, can't help ya. No subs there. Try experimenting with other herbs and spices! Because cooking is just science for hungry people.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Oh I dont know...dont eat them?
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I don't mind the onion flavor, I just can't eat them. I use onion powder instead.

    I also don't like green or red peppers, but I like banana and jalapeño peppers, so I substitute.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I would say, if you don't like them, don't eat them. You can learn to like new things though. I hated bell peppers until a couple of months ago, when I decided to learn to like them. I just started eating them regularly. Started with red ones, roasted. The first couple of times it wasn't that pleasant, but after that, it was ok. Now, I actually like them, even raw. I was surprised at how quickly my taste changed.

    Celery's another one for me that I've always hated. One night recently I was having a drink at a friend's house and joked about needing to get over the celery thing. Under the influence of alcohol, I munched through a couple of sticks with no problem. Now, well I still don't like it, but I can tolerate it better. It still tastes a bit bitter to me, but I got over my psychological aversion to its texture.

    There's not reason to eat foods you don't like, but if you are prepared to tolerate things for a while until they no longer taste unpleasant - it can really open you up to new culinary experiences. I used to be the pickiest eater ever, and it's great to have a wider range of things I can eat and enjoy.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    I'm quite fond of onions and peppers because of the flavor they add (and for so few calories). But my wife's tummy doesn't do well with peppers, so I'm forced to omit them when I do the cooking for the family.