Question for ladies using spike days...



  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    I read about a spike/cheat day plan from another MFPer, and it made a lot of sense!
    1. Set your goals on MFP for a moderate loss (ex. 0.5lb per week, or -250cals/day)
    2. 6 days of the week actually eat at a -500 deficient
    3. On day 7, you will have "earned" 1500 extra calories to slurge with, but still be within your weekly weight loss goals of 0.5lb/week. That does seem like a lot of calories, but 2 beers or 2 glasses of wine (~400cals); one super-yummy favorite meal (easily ~800cals), and you're pretty much there! Your tummy gets a treat day, and you don't feel deprived!

    However, I would not recommend making weigh-in the day after the spike day ;-)