

  • SweetMommaof21981
    SweetMommaof21981 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you all for the advice. :happy: Greatly appreciated
  • SweetMommaof21981
    SweetMommaof21981 Posts: 19 Member
    OK so here is something! You are exercising too much. If you are working out correctly then your body needs time to recover. If you are running give your self a break every second day or run shorter but faster and then rest. You HAVE to let your body recover all this work out work out is wrong.

    I have lost 25 KG about 55lb in old language and I was working out 5 to 6 time a week hit a wall and never got anywhere until I started running intervals and resting every second day. IF I had to work out on a rest day it was a slow walk or bike ride. Yopur heart rate will tell you if you are getting fitter.

    I am working out to much? :indifferent:
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    OK so here is something! You are exercising too much. If you are working out correctly then your body needs time to recover. If you are running give your self a break every second day or run shorter but faster and then rest. You HAVE to let your body recover all this work out work out is wrong.

    I have lost 25 KG about 55lb in old language and I was working out 5 to 6 time a week hit a wall and never got anywhere until I started running intervals and resting every second day. IF I had to work out on a rest day it was a slow walk or bike ride. Yopur heart rate will tell you if you are getting fitter.

    I am working out to much? :indifferent:

    I don't think you are working out too much, but your not eating enough that's for sure.
  • SweetMommaof21981
    SweetMommaof21981 Posts: 19 Member
    OK so here is something! You are exercising too much. If you are working out correctly then your body needs time to recover. If you are running give your self a break every second day or run shorter but faster and then rest. You HAVE to let your body recover all this work out work out is wrong.

    I have lost 25 KG about 55lb in old language and I was working out 5 to 6 time a week hit a wall and never got anywhere until I started running intervals and resting every second day. IF I had to work out on a rest day it was a slow walk or bike ride. Yopur heart rate will tell you if you are getting fitter.

    I am working out to much? :indifferent:

    I don't think you are working out too much, but your not eating enough that's for sure.

    So I should be eating more the 1260 calories?
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    Hi there, I got a weird piece of advice once about how to avoid impulsive eating which works (sort of :laugh: ) anyway, it is to wear some sort of ring or bracelet on your dominant hand (so right for me) and try to associate it with feeling good about how you are eating. I find that it helps me when I am out not to eat everything in sight, not so much at home though as I don't really wear jewellery.
    I also read a study that said your self control gets better and better when you exercise it, so I try and use that as motivation to get myself to actively choose not to eat something.
    Another trick is to drink a big cup of water before eating whatever it is that you want, so tell yourself you can eat it but first you need to have a drink of water and that is often enough time and distraction so that you are then able to exercise (and beef up!!) your self control.

    Good luck!! It is something I am trying hard to work on myself.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned
    My net calories is 890 for the day. Yet, I am not hungry. I ate healthy and well.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned
    My net calories is 890 for the day. Yet, I am not hungry. I ate healthy and well.

    sorry, that's false. 890 cals in a day is not healthy.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned
    My net calories is 890 for the day. Yet, I am not hungry. I ate healthy and well.

    Definitely not considered healthy unless you are on a some sort of doctor ordered restricted diet.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    My Calorie in take is 1260
    I am burning around 460 Calories during my workouts. :s
    How far are you from goal? I suspect those calories are low. Do you have a HRM? Are you doing cardio or strength training? Personally i dont eat my calories, UNLESS im hungry. Which is almost daily these days since im training for a half marathon.
  • SweetMommaof21981
    SweetMommaof21981 Posts: 19 Member
    My Calorie in take is 1260
    I am burning around 460 Calories during my workouts. :s
    How far are you from goal? I suspect those calories are low. Do you have a HRM? Are you doing cardio or strength training? Personally i dont eat my calories, UNLESS im hungry. Which is almost daily these days since im training for a half marathon.

    I am about 30lbs from my goal, I am doing cardio
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    My Calorie in take is 1260
    I am burning around 460 Calories during my workouts. :s
    How far are you from goal? I suspect those calories are low. Do you have a HRM? Are you doing cardio or strength training? Personally i dont eat my calories, UNLESS im hungry. Which is almost daily these days since im training for a half marathon.

    I am about 30lbs from my goal, I am doing cardio
    Thats not too much. You definately need to up your calories if you are ABSOLUTELY sure thats how much you burn. If you rely solely on MFP to estimate your calories burned, i would up just by 150 or 200.MFP overestimates calories burned for me. Are you constantly hungry with your current cals and feeling deprived?