Is she crazy?



  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I have had 2 c-sections and one laproscopic (sp??) surgery, yes air gets in your stomach but it only lasts about a week. Your pass gas and burp it out. People used to tell me after my first c-section that I would never be like I was. Now I am not totally like I was but pretty darn close. I was a size 4 and 135lbs both times I got pregnant, I am currently a size 6 and 130lbs. My hips spread with my pregnancies, nothing I can do about that. But I am happy and so is my hubby. Others that say things like that are just jealous!!! Dont listen to them at all!!!!!!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Yes, they pump air into your abdomen during certain surgeries, but it is absorbed or passed out of your body within a few days. It doesn't hang around for the rest of your life. If it did, we'd have hundreds of people walking around bloated by air in the abdomen!

    It's too bad there isn't an "Ignore" button for face-to-face encounters...
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    I only discuss my weight loss struggles with people who are completely supportive. There are plenty who will give me platitudes (Oh, you look fine!) or make me feel bad (If you only exercised some will power...!) or give me useless advice (if you want to lose weight, join weight watchers). I don't discuss weight loss with them any more.

    The people in my family are morbidly obese, while I've managed to get myself small enough to start shopping in the Junior department, so their counsel has lost any value for me. But here is one sage piece of advice that I will share:

    Don't lean against the wall when you're breast feeding because your milk will dry up. (I love that one!)
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    For those saying that being 40 something you can't blame her for not knowing better... well my 62 year old mom would have a response to that. When she was little they did have this thing called a library. Not quite as good as the internet but it worked.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Options! Does she also believe that if you have a headache, you should rub a cat on the side of your head?

    I think the simplest solution is just not to talk to her about your weight loss frustrations. She's clearly a few sandwiches short of a full picnic in that sense. You're on MFP, so you have a great resource to vent if you need to.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    For those saying that being 40 something you can't blame her for not knowing better... well my 62 year old mom would have a response to that. When she was little they did have this thing called a library. Not quite as good as the internet but it worked.

    Only one person said that. And not in a very grammatically correct way, either. I guess the Internet doesn't teach grammar and punctuation. But at least those who grew up with it know other things ...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Options! Does she also believe that if you have a headache, you should rub a cat on the side of your head?

    Oh no! Not cats! They suck your baby's breath in its sleep and kill it!
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    Did you tell her that your tummy is full of as much air as her head is?

    Haha, sorry.

    She's being silly. Sounds like you're going to have to develop some hefty selective hearing around her. =\

    You just made me spit the water I am trying to force down all over the screen....

    Do not listen to your MIL.... keep doing what you are doing & you'll show her how amazing you are!!!!
  • MenaMena
    MenaMena Posts: 232 Member
    lol, @ fart more. I need you guys around when I need a good comeback.
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    OMG. I'm literally laughing my *kitten* off! Other things she has told me..

    -When her 9 year old hits my 3 year old she says it's because there is a full moon. I didn't realize he was some type of Wolf.
    -To not tickle my son because if I do he won't be able to talk when he's older. Umm yeah, he already talks.
    -To not wash my hands after applying muscle pain cream on my husband because if I do I will get pains on my hands and they will get ugly. Oh really? I always wash them and my hands are perfectly fine.
    -That there is this juice you make with oranges complete with peel, you boil it and you drink it. You don't eat, just drink that and you will drop the pounds very quick. In that case let me grab a bottle of hot orange juice!!:laugh:

    I'll try and remember more or just have her start talking.:wink::laugh:

    Wow, your Mother in Law is a strange one! I truly think she is crazy and that you can do anything you put your mind to. I tend to weigh more than I look as well, so I try not to focus on the numbers so much as the way that I look/feel in my clothing. So, get an image of how you want to look and just keep working at it until you make it :)
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Air? Seriously? Wow.

    I also do not look like I weigh what I do (thank God!). I usually consider it a blessing (people guess at least 20 lbs under), but it gets annoying when you start losing and then people start saying things like "stop losing weight!" "you're getting too thin!" "you don't need to lose any more!" when they just don't understand that you're just trying to get to a healthy weight range for your body. Because to them it looks like you must be perfectly healthy, they don't get it. I'm 5'7" and at a size 10, I was still around 35 lbs (!) overweight. People didn't believe me.

    The good news is: what everyone says doesn't really matter! The only thing I would ever really say is "I am not trying to be thin, I am trying to be healthy. And my weight is still not healthy." and that usually worked, actually. But I wouldn't debate it any further, anyway. Who knows why people say the things they do. Just know that you are doing what you need to do to live your life to the fullest, and keep at it.
  • katherinemm31
    I am 56 and have heard some strange excuxes over the years for people not losing weight, they all want to blame it on some medical fornomminum.99.999999% of the time it is nothing medical at all just the normal More Calories In, than are being Burned.
    Here are some of the excuses I've heard but I've never heard of the air in the belly one lol:laugh:

    I'm big boned.
    I don't eat anything.
    It runs in the family.
    It's my metabolic rate.
    I've bought it so I'm going to eat it.
    If I exercise I put on weight.
    You must eat lots on your period days.

    We use to be bears so must put on weight for the winter.

    I actually AM big boned. I'm 5' 9' and the smallest I have ever gotten down to was about a size 8-10. At that time, I weighed about 165 an my shoulder bones and ribs were too prominent. If you put your thumb to forefinger around my wrist, your fingers will most likely not touch. And yes, obesity does run in the family and yes periods, injuries and medication affect weight loss. These attributes make losing weight significantly more difficult, and they should not be dismissed. People like me, especially if we've screwed up our metabolisms with eating disorders, have to work twice as hard (or more) at losing weight. It's depressing. It's not impossible, but it's more difficult.
  • msmithevv
    msmithevv Posts: 58 Member
    Don't let anyone bring you down! Do what you need to do!
  • Fatloosa
    I am 56 and have heard some strange excuxes over the years for people not losing weight, they all want to blame it on some medical fornomminum.99.999999% of the time it is nothing medical at all just the normal More Calories In, than are being Burned.
    Here are some of the excuses I've heard but I've never heard of the air in the belly one lol:laugh:

    I'm big boned.
    I don't eat anything.
    It runs in the family.
    It's my metabolic rate.
    I've bought it so I'm going to eat it.
    If I exercise I put on weight.
    You must eat lots on your period days.

    We use to be bears so must put on weight for the winter.

    I actually AM big boned. I'm 5' 9' and the smallest I have ever gotten down to was about a size 8-10. At that time, I weighed about 165 an my shoulder bones and ribs were too prominent. If you put your thumb to forefinger around my wrist, your fingers will most likely not touch. And yes, obesity does run in the family and yes periods, injuries and medication affect weight loss. These attributes make losing weight significantly more difficult, and they should not be dismissed. People like me, especially if we've screwed up our metabolisms with eating disorders, have to work twice as hard (or more) at losing weight. It's depressing. It's not impossible, but it's more difficult.

    You sound so determined Good for you. I'm sure you'll get there, you are in the minority is all I'm saying, most people use these as excuses.
    Good luck with your weight loss which not easy, even for the rest of us. Honest
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Why is it a problem to look smaller than you weigh?
    I would think that's a good thing!

    It's a good thing but I just get frustrated when being compared to other girls that weigh less than me but look bigger. It's like once I know I weigh more than a person that is bigger than me, I start asking myself if maybe I actually am bigger than them. I start thinking crazy and I'll start asking my husband if I'm bigger than them and why do I weigh more and so on. Does that make sense? lol

    I weigh more than I look also. I teach an exercise class and was weighing in with the participants when someone made the comment "you don't look like you weigh that much" And when I saw their weight I couldn't believe they were less than me. Because they did look a LOT bigger than me. I do have a lot of muscle though.
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    Well she's just not worth listening to BUT I have the same issue where I look smaller than I weigh. So whenever I try to communicate to people that I'm trying to keep my weight down, they huff and puff and look at me like I'm just fishing for attention -- that's just not the case, I'm looking for SUPPORT and comradeship. I think that's your frustration, no? Let me guess, you want to bring your weight down, but you still wear small sizes, so people give you grief when all you're looking for is someone to lean on. My advice is to just smile at your MIL and not confide in her about your goals -- you have more support here.

    I am exactly the same. I have to lose another 25-30 pounds to be a 'normal, healthy' BMI but I don't look that big. Before I lost the 50 pounds I have lost already, I had a doctor's appointment where I was measured and weighed. The doctor weighed me two or three times because she didn't believe that my weight was correct by looking at me. Crazy :noway:
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    Why is it a problem to look smaller than you weigh?
    I would think that's a good thing!

    It's a good thing but I just get frustrated when being compared to other girls that weigh less than me but look bigger. It's like once I know I weigh more than a person that is bigger than me, I start asking myself if maybe I actually am bigger than them. I start thinking crazy and I'll start asking my husband if I'm bigger than them and why do I weigh more and so on. Does that make sense? lol

    That makes perfect sense to me, but it is because I feel the exact same way. I have a very bad body image, but it is partly down to the fact that I think that numbers don't lie. I see other people that weigh approximately the same as me and think I must look the same size. But then I see people who wear the same clothing size as me and and look smaller so my poor brain is all confused lol.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I don't know about crazy, but she is misinformed and nasty, and you should ignore her efforts to sabotage you.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Im sorry I had my tooth pulled yesterday, and I didn't want to take pain med's cause of breathing problems so I was acting like a b word last night, sorry for my comments, I hope you forgive me and have a good day :flowerforyou:
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Options! Does she also believe that if you have a headache, you should rub a cat on the side of your head?

    I'm just imagining my cats' reactions if I tried this! This really made me laugh!