College Fitness

I am a college student and currently this biggest thing that's holding me back is my lack of free time. If I'm not in class, I'm working. And if I'm not working, I'm practicing (as I am a music major), and if I'm not practicing I'm trying to sleep, and I'm getting tired of wasting money on fast food and microwave dinners. Any help/suggestions to keep consistent with my efforts, all while trying to be a decent college student with little free time?


  • ashmarie419
    ashmarie419 Posts: 26 Member
    I am a college student also and have no free time as well. I have started taking my books and such to the student rec center and studying while i do the elliptical or whatever is free, then i try to do some stretches, abs and squats before a shower and go to bed. Also, food wise i do frozen meals which is so bad but i attempt to find ones that look good for you but mostly i eat yogurt for breakfast, soup for lunch (its so cheap! and filling if you find some you enjoy) or a sandwich, then a frozen meal, mac and cheese, sandwich, or such for dinner. For me its all about planning my days ahead of time and scheduling in what i want to eat and planning when i can find time to get to the rec. Hope this helps!!!