Not enough calories? Horseback riding?

So i have 2 questions,
My reader on MFP says I'm eating too few calories yet I'm eating till i am full, and when i am hungry.. i eat!
i drink a lot of green tea which maybe I'm just filling up on water but I'm not too sure?

#2 does horseback riding actually help you lose weight, i ride my horse everyday but never thought it did anything for me..


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    without knowing anything about you..your stats that is, its hard to say anything.

    this whole eat more to lose weight is just a big myth. your body doesnt store or hoard food/energy for later if you starve yourself. it simply just doesnt work that way. your body MUST use calories and glucose to survive. if you starve yourself, or if you just eat a calorie deficit it all works the same. not enough calories your body gets it from fat, not enough carbs/glucose your body takes its from muscle.

    its not about eating or not eating to lose weight..its about eating healthy, exercising and being fit and healthy. dont fall into these dieting myths and fads.

    moderate exercise every day is healthy. eating enough to make sure you intake enough vitamins and nutrients is healthy. meeting the macro nutrient ratio is healthy. but again, without knowing anything about your stats, its hard to say anything. there is no magic calorie number for everyone. because we are all different.
  • Patience911
    Im not falling into any myths thats why i was asking.. and i excersize everyday ! I'm not sure what you mean by stats?
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    your weight, age etc. what are you trying to do? lose weight?

    look up the harris benedict formula..this is the most trusted recognized formula for calculating your BMR and your total energy expenditure (activity level). from there you can reduce calories to lose weight..the activity level should include any exercise you do..this is why you shouldnt eat back exercise calories, since they are already accounted for.