1000 Calories over the limit



  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    @ the not eating enough calories. Todays dinner aside, what do you guys see in my diary thats alarming? I am a 28 years old male at 5 feet 9 inches height. Am I not eating enough or not good enough? I'm trying to stay close to the recommendation from MFP but sometimes i'm just not hungry. I have been trying to eat through out the day in small doses rather than big meals. Do I need to up my calorie intake? Also, I dont workout ALOT although tomorrow i'll be starting the 100 pushup challenge ( http://hundredpushups.com/ if you'd like to see what it is).

    A lot of days, you're eating 1200-1300 calories. That's not nearly enough for a man -- that's barely enough for most women. I'd recommend trying to stay as close as possible to MFP's recommended calories.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    ok, Thankyou for taking the time to checkout my troubling areas and helping me out. I thought i was doing decent and was trying hard to not be so under caloried (or over caloried) but I guess I need to pick it up.

    Thankyou everybody. You guys are awesome!
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    When I have days like this (and we all do) I like to think of it this way...wow I used to eat like that EVERY DAY and not think twice about it! Now eating like that is so INFREQUENT that it throws me for a loop emotionally.... :) You are doing great! Just get back to it...... Have a great week!