in need of...something...

I think I've been doing things backwards. Lol

I need motovation, the want, drive, something...i have it prior to going to the Y, making a good food choice, etc, but when the time comes, it's gone. Example...last night and this morning when I woke up...i had full motovation to go to the Y. Came to be 1pm when the Y opened...and no motovation to go :( nope..couldn't get myself to go. If I force myself to go it's almost like I'm punishing myself or something. But I also know, if I could just get myself there, I would be good to go. I talk myself out of it every time.

Another situation...i tell myself "ok, it's cold outside" so i allow myself to go get a hot french vanilla cappucino as long as I tell myself I'm going go to the Y and get in a wrkout in the evening after work. Well, evening comes around and no Y. (Last wk I was battleing against a sinus infection), but I'm always quick to talk myself out of it. I always say "I'll do better tomorrow", but tomorrow never comes.

Another situation...last sat my husband and I went to a bday party, ate at buffalo wild wings, went bowling (forgot to log the 3.5 hr of bowling as exercise), but I told myself that this dinner was going to be one of my cheat meals for the wk (i allow myself 2)...but then it's like I just find another reason/excuse to cheat the next meal or the next day later or sooner than I should. Example...This wkend (friday) a friend of mine and I met for dinner at applebee's (i haven't seen her in a couple of weeks) I thought ok, we don't get to get together that often so I'll get whatever food I want and really relax, not worry, and enjoy myself...that meal alone was at least 1400 calories. Then the next day (saturday), my husband, myself and another friend couple went to a bike show and to dinner, just made a whole afternoon and evening of it. I chose salmon at the restaurant (better than a burger) and the mac n chz, french fries and a side saled (shoulda made healthier side choices) but when it came time for dessert...what did I do....ordered dessert too and ate the whole thing myself. I told myslef that it was ok b/c we don't get together w/ other couples that often, it had been a good day and I should set back, relax and enjoy myself...let it continue to be a good day. Like both of those meals were special occasions. It was fun to get out and not have to cook dinner or worry about anything, but at the same time...they weren't special occasions. It's like I just don't have the will power to do this. The want is there...i want to feel better abt myself, I want to be able to bend over tie my shoes and breathe at the same time, I want my old clothes to fit, I want to be able to run a a runner... Idk. The want is there, but the strength to make the good decisions and succeed is really lacking. The hardest thing abt doing anything is getting started...and that's what I need to do...get started.

I was reading a forum earlier today and ppl were talking about stress and how it can affect your weightloss...something about turning food into sugars and your body thinking "hey, i need to save this". I wonder if that's what's going on with me? I do have alot of stress in my life. One of my friends says I handle it very well and she doesn't know how i deal with it. I just try not to let it get to me. Most of things that are happening are out of my control...all I can do is react. Everything happens for a reason, my life is in God's hands and everything is going to work out the way it's supposed to in the end. If things haven't worked out's not the end, so I just try to keep fighting.

Sry for the off topic tangent, the rant, and the venting, but thx for listening/reading. All of you here on MFP are such an inspiration to me. You always pick me up when I'm down, you let me know I'm not the only one struggling right now. Y'all are the greatest!


  • nawazarrio
    nawazarrio Posts: 64 Member
    Finding the willpower can be hard and that sounds like your problem to me. I weighed 402 pounds four weeks ago. I am down to 385 and I have weigh-in in the morning. You just need to find something to fight for. I want to be able to go hiking with my husband and children and to be able to go to amusement parks. Those are two things that really keep me going. I'm in this for myself but it's most important to me to be able to be with my family. Weigh your options. You want to lose weight but why? Do you want to be healthier? Is there a special trip you want to go on? Or certain clothes you would like to wear? Find your motivating factor and then find ways to help yourself out. The big thing that has helped me recently is creating a menu for home. It has helped me SO MUCH. My typical problem was coming home from work and binging. I am happy and proud to say that in the past four weeks I have binged maybe twice. That's HUGE for me.

    Don't give up. You can do this. Friend me if you would like someone to run the race with you. (That offer is open to all.) Best of luck. <3
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    The thing is, you don't have to give up everything you love to lose weight. You don't have to go to the Y to work out - especially when your motivation is during the morning when they aren't open. You can just walk around your neighborhood and burn the calories for that cappuccino. You could use the recipe forum to find a low fat version of that cappuccino too.

    You can still go out to eat but you need to make better choices. Most restaurant chains have their menus online so you can choose what to eat before you get there. You can make the choice to have that 1400 calorie meal and split it into at least 2 portions - just ask for a to go box when you order and split the meal before you even taste it. Yeah, its still 700 calories but isn't that better than 1400? You can choose to have one side full of fat and the other can be veggies.

    You simply have to find what works for you and your lifestyle. Again, you can still have everything you love, just find a way to get it that isn't so detrimental to your health and body. You can choose health - just make tiny changes to how you already live.
  • dancin2011
    dancin2011 Posts: 92 Member
    The thing is, you don't have to give up everything you love to lose weight. You don't have to go to the Y to work out - especially when your motivation is during the morning when they aren't open. You can just walk around your neighborhood and burn the calories for that cappuccino. You could use the recipe forum to find a low fat version of that cappuccino too.

    You can still go out to eat but you need to make better choices. Most restaurant chains have their menus online so you can choose what to eat before you get there. You can make the choice to have that 1400 calorie meal and split it into at least 2 portions - just ask for a to go box when you order and split the meal before you even taste it. Yeah, its still 700 calories but isn't that better than 1400? You can choose to have one side full of fat and the other can be veggies.

    You simply have to find what works for you and your lifestyle. Again, you can still have everything you love, just find a way to get it that isn't so detrimental to your health and body. You can choose health - just make tiny changes to how you already live.

    Well said!