cheat meals



  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I plan it out ahead of time and eat lighter the rest of the day plus doing it on a major workout day helps with earning those extra exercise calories. This way I don't go way over and usually not over what my calories would be to maintain my current weight so it's not actually setting me back.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I personally hate the word 'cheat"
    Me too. It implies there are good and bad foods, which I don't think there are.

    It's all fuel and some days I'll have a bite of candy and yet still hit all my nutritional goals (i.e., don't go over on calories, carbs, sugar and fat, and still get all my protein. So did I "cheat" or not? :laugh:

    I'm eating to a plan and there is room in my plan for all foods in the right quantities and frequencies. The quantities of some things is "very small" and the frequency of an overlapping set is "not very often". But the only foods were the quantity is zero and the frequency is never are foods I don't like!
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    I have one day a week that I do not log in. I am aware of what I am eating, but I do not obssess over it. On that one day, I drink lots of water, but do not officially count calories or log portions. I eat and stop when I'm full.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hey all.
    I was just curious about how many of you believe in the cheat meal (or even cheat day). I know this is a lifestyle change, not a diet, but I like to have my one little bit of "freedom" every week. I still log it all, and I try to cheat in reasonable portion sizes, I just don't worry about the calories/types of food ahead of time. So far, I've eaten well over my usual daily allowance of calories in my cheat meal every week... :blushing:

    Any thoughts? Is this a bad decision? Am I setting myself up for eventual failure? Is there a better way than cheating? (I wish it wasn't called cheating--makes me feel guilty!)

    Please share! You won't hurt my feelings, even if you think I'm a loon! :laugh:

    Why call it a cheat day food is and what we eat is up to us...I personally think that for example if you want fried chicken biscuits and mashed potatoes that you should eat them just NOT 2000 calories worth...always remember portion sizes and cheating doesnt occur when we allow ourselves to over eat occurs when we "cheat" ourselves out of feeling good regarding the decisions we make and our bodies.:drinker:
  • jomane81
    jomane81 Posts: 41 Member
    Man, this message board thing is ridiculously efficient!
    Thanks, guys. I liked what you had to say. I'll keep it in mind for this upcoming Easter weekend with all the tempting treats. :bigsmile:
