Going on vacation and sticking to my routine

I'm within 11 lbs of my goal weight and I'm highly motivated however I'm getting a lot of slack from my Dad about my working out and realized I have to tone down my updates on FB when he called me to express concern and also mention that my Aunt is concerned as well. I'm 46 and he pointed out that I'm not 18 anymore and that it isn't good for me to work out this intensely and I'm going to get hurt. I tried to explain that this is going to keep me young and healthy and that I feel better now than when I was 18. I am flying to visit him in two weeks to surprise him for his 70th birthday and will be spending 7 days in his home. I have located a gym near his home so that I can continue my work outs and the weather should be nice enough to get outside for some walking/jogging. I also intend to go to the grocery store while there to get some staple foods I can eat during the week and will just have to watch my portions at dinnertime (I'm sure we'll go out to eat as well as stay in a few evenings). My concern is him and his attitude towards what I'm trying to do. I'm so nervous that I will get slack about going to the gym every days or saying no to junk food or unhealthy meals. It's crazy as I'm an adult but parents have a way of making you feel like a kid at times. I don't intend to tell him anymore how much I work out or how many miles I jog but I will be at the gym for about an hour a day. Any tips on things I can say or do to keep him from worrying and keep myself on track?