how do i keep on track when i know i'm going out?

help! when i have a 'going out' meal planned, i over eat rubbish before hand, like my motivation goes out the window because i know i'll be eating a lot of calories in the meal (even though i choose the healthier options). my meal out is tomorrow and today i'v already ate biscuits & chocolate & feel like urghh, so totally regret it. i'v only done 2 weeks on here, so still learning, i already know that i can't have rubbish in the flat because i don't wait & have a lil treat everyday, i eat it all at once and regret it :blushing:


  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    please feel free to add me, i'v got a long way to go & i could do with all the support i can get - the more the merrier :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    get the myfitnesspal app on your phone and you can calculate where youre at with your calories and look up items in the menu to see how many calories they are before you order it
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    gonna take time. sometimes I don't get things b/c I know I will eat it all at once, but I have learned to have a serving and save the rest for later. when going out, eat good and eat enough all day that way you're not starving when you go out and will probably make better choices
  • MOS3
    MOS3 Posts: 134 Member
    Most restaurants have online menus. So why don't you have a look at it before you go. That way you can check out the calories on MFP and put them in advance. Then you can tailor the rest of your day around it. Hope this helps.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I like to look at the menu ahead of time and prelog what I'm going to eat there. Then, I know how much I can eat for my other meals and plan accodingly. If I'm going out for dinner and I know I'm going to get a burger, I have a light breakfast and a big salad with lots of veggies for lunch. My food diary is open if you ever want to check it out and get any ideas. Good luck!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    If you go over on your calories it's not the end of the world despite what it feels like.

    Your body requires a weekly average of 3500 deficit in order to lose 1lb a week. If this week you only have the deficit at 3000 but next week you have it at 4000 you will still lose 2lb over the two weeks. It doesn't work on a daily basis all that much. If you go over by 250 one day, try to earn back those calories over five days by eating 50 under each day.

    If you don't live up to your expectations one day/week then try again the next day/week.

    It can take some getting used to in the beginning but you will get there.

    (If you need/want friends then feel free to add me.)
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    I'm fairly new...but I have the app on my phone. That way I can make the best choices. My hubby is my biggest obstacle. He loves to eat out on the weekends. He brings home Krispy Kreams and he HATES all things healthy. He's never had a weight problem, so he doesn't know what it's like. So, i'm having to find healthier ways around his bad habits. Good Luck on your journey to a healthier YOU :)
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    I pre-enter everything into my diary... then modify it to make it all work out. I check not only MFP's database but also check to see if the resteraunt has nutrition info up online. A lot of times I'll plan for HALF a plate of what I order... and then ask for a to-go box immediately to hide the other half of the calories/sodium/carbs/whatever from myself... then I can have the treat again the next day.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    you can try many approches:
    if you know you will be going out, try to eat less a week ahead, like 50kcals per day will give you additonal 300 kcals in 6 days!
    try to look up menu from the place you go to and choose your meal, make it low cal.
    if imposible, just pick everything that seems low call: veggie salad, chicken, fish
    forget everything i said and enjoy. remeber one day will not ruin whole diet! then just quick add 1000 kcal and move on!

    whatever you do, don't start eating more one day before, common, that is just silly and you know it! (as you did post this topic)
  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member
    The first few weeks are trial and error, after a while you start to naturally look for lower calorie choices and you will think more about the snacks you eat before a meal because you want to stay within your calories.

    The best thing to do is log all your food intake including your snacks before the meal and if you are able to the meal itself. When you see how high the calories are you will start to make alternative choices.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • nikkirose723
    nikkirose723 Posts: 11 Member
    I do the same's all a head game. You know you'll be going out, think you'll probably blow it anyway, so you overdo it before you even go out. I don't really have the answer...I find that some days it's easier than others. And if it's a day I've worked out, that keeps me more on track because I don't want to undo the good I've done. So my advice is to just get out there and work out and try to stay in control.

    I don't buy junk, either...can't control myself eating even stuff that's portioned out. I do better to just not start at all. But if you do go over and eat more than you wanted to, just remember that it's not the end of the world. Just drink tons of water and get right back on track and you'll be okay.

    Good luck!
  • Go_Silly
    Go_Silly Posts: 8 Member
    I eat light during the day and also chalk up extra calories (by exerising) so when I DO go out, I have plenty of calories to spare and can enjoy my meal (taking in consideration what I want to eat and what calories I have banked up to use). :drinker:
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    I was going to say the same. I have the app on my phone, so while I look at menu choices I see whats healthiest! For instance when we go to Ruby Tuesdays, a good option would be the salad bar alone ( I do this a lot) or my fiance likes to get the chicken bella (its so delicious) with a side of spaghetti squash and mashed cauliflower. Its super healthy! He can eat just half the chicken and be full, and share the other half with me, because its a large portion! (we made the mistake of getting shrimp fondue as an app one night and the calories were out of this world high) wont do that again!
  • dupaboo
    dupaboo Posts: 174 Member
    As a few have already suggested - look up the menu online before going out. I don't go out too often because I have a hard time controlling myself in restaurants. I always check the healthy options first then get led astray by something phenomenally fried and fattening. I look up the menu online, know what my remaining calories are for the day and make the best choice for myself.

    It's still about will power, though. You've got to set half of the meal aside!
  • countcals12
    countcals12 Posts: 1 Member
    Plan in advance to eat some healthy, high fiber foods that day so you feel fuller before going out. Anything high fiber that you can add to your diet will help you feel fuller. When you order your meal at dinner - have any dressing, sauces, etc.. on the side so you can control consumption.

    Drink a full glass of water before your meal and you will consume less. Have a pep talk with yourself that you are going to end the evening feeling satisfied and happy with yourself that you made an effort to stay within guidelines!

    And any opportunity to exercise will work wonders to make you feel content and happy with yourself - and help you burn any extra calories you consume!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Plan in advance and log it in so you can see what you are doing.
  • pb6012002
    I agree with a lot of the advice on here. Check out the menu first. I did that this past Saturday and I was fine. I had my weigh in this morning and was still down 1.5 after having ate out and drank alcohol. All about moderation
  • lauriejayne813
    lauriejayne813 Posts: 34 Member
    :flowerforyou: The people that say "get the phone app" are right, I use it all the time. I log everything when I eat it and use it to look up items. It is a big help. The second thing is ti PLAN AHEAD. Yes this can be a pain and may drive you a little crazy but you'll love yourself in the long run. Just google the name of the restaurant and the words nutritional information to get their menu with nutritional items. Also, if it is a party you're going to, ask your friends what is the calorie count of what they are taking to the party, you'd be surprise how supportive they can be. This past Saturday, we had a girls night out. We were planning on going to a specific restaurant so I figured out what I could eat within my calories so I knew I could have a glass of red wine and the specific entree I wanted. When we got there, we found out the restaurant was closed. We decided on another restaurant so I got on my phone and found out that there was really only one thing on the menu I could eat but I atleast I found something. So we went there and had a grand time and I didn't feel guilty at all. On top of that, my friends in the car helped me look up the calories for the meal and it helped educated them and they were pleased to help me (we even discovered that the "healthy salad" we thought they had was 350 per serving...yikes. As you can see I'm a little obsessed with this topic but I believe I'm not just loosing weight but having to change my lifestyle to not only keep it off but maintain a healthy lifestyle. I challenge you to try the pre-planning, it really works and you'll be much happier!
  • Blakkmale2001
    thats a very good idea!!! when i got to the resteraunt and saw the menu it was too late, and im realizing that i do best when i put the calories in before i choose a meal....friday i bought a couple of steaks for my daughter and myself, threw them in the broiler and cooked them up before adding up the cost...when i checked the caloriies of the steaks while i was cooking i was like ooooohhh no i cant do that....the steaks were like 1000 calories a piece...we split one and had some veggies and split the other one for going in knowing before hand is the best bet!!!!
  • kcalabama
    If you're going out and not really knowing what the menu is before hand - for example, going out with my friends and drinking (yes still do), then I really watch how many carbs I take in that day - I mean REALLY watch the carbs and limit them. Then when I go out, I try to look for high protein food - and skip the breads or eat around them. I went to a party this weekend and there was the absolutely srumpous dark chocolate, raspberry cake that someone had brought. I ate the bottom layer only and skipped the top layer with the icing :-) I wanted to have a piece but I limited the sugar to the cake which had a lot less.