100+ to go..Time to be free of this extra 'baggage'

Hey there, I am new here this is my first time posting, I've been using the food tracker for 2 weeks I think so far. I've done well in terms of progress until this week, arrrrrgh. Those precious few days did me in and I chose to let it, not sure why. Today is a new day and my official weigh in is Wed, so I still have 2.5 whole days to at least break even.

I have a 6 yr old little boy, single mom, and I am in this for the long haul. I want to be there for him for years to come and I want to be able to run around and play with him too!! I started around 292 and looking to get somewhere between140 - 165 we'll see how it feels as it approaches.

My biggest joy: being healthier and feeling better
My biggest fear: having tons of extra skin, and once I lose the weight feeling like I can eat whatever I want without repercussion and putting it all back on

I look forward to forming some lasting bonds here so we can help each other stay on track and conquer!